
CraftCMS Starter Template

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This is a simple CraftCMS template with a few usefull plugins already installed:


All the styles is done with tailwindcss framework and all the configuration is already done with the help of laravel-mix. When developing your theme you can use yarn watch and browsersync is already configured. The DEFAULT_SITE_URL will be used as proxy for browsersync to connect to reach the website, but you can edit this behaviour in the webpack.mix.js.


When building for production purgecss will be used. I included the common extensions to the configuration of purgecss, the files that will be analyzed for classes to keep. You can edit the configuration as you like in the webpack.mix.js. You can find more information on the official website: https://laravel-mix.com/


git clone https://github.com/giorgiopogliani/craftcms-starter-template.git website
cd website
composer install 
cp .env.example .env
php craft setup/security-key
mysql -uroot -p -e "create database example"

or you can also use composer

composer create-project giorgiopogliani/craftcms-starter-template --stability=dev website

Edit your .env to match your configuration.

php craft install/craft 
yarn install
yarn watch


There is a really simple deploy script in the root of the repo. You will need lftp if you use ftp to deploy your website or rsyncif you use SSH. Add your credentials at the top of the file. There are a few command line options like --watch=<folder to watch> or --build to build css and js before deploy.