
My personal dot files

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains scripts and config files to automate the installation and setup of my OS X and Linux workstations. Enjoy it 😉

So far this is a work in progress


  • common/ Contains scripts that can be installed and used on all platforms (OS X & Linux)
  • config/ Configuration files for specific programs such as vimrc, iTerm colorschemes, etc.
  • ohmyzsh-custom As the name suggests, this is my custom zsh configuration
  • scripts/ Those are custom built scripts for improve my productivity, most of those scripts are pure bash and can be used across OS X and Linux
  • server/ Scripts and setup specific for my home servers
  • Commands.md Notes of useful comands that I've collected for common scenarios

Common setup

Run common/install.sh from terminal. This script will:

  • Verify that vim and git are installed
    • On apt based distros: If not installed then will be installed
    • On OS X if those programs are not found, and error will be log and installer will exit
  • Put my custom vimrc in place ~/.vimrc
  • Add my custom bash init script to corresponding .bashrc or .bash_profile

Each folder contains a script to install and setup its contents, ensure to run it through bash instead of sh