Scientific Deep Learning Enthusiast 🤖 | M.Sc. in Data Science at University of Milano-Bicocca 📈 | B.Sc. in Chemistry 🧪 |
Università degli Studi di Milano-BicoccaMilan, Italy
Pinned Repositories
Brain T1-Weighted MRI Images Classification and WGAN Generation (Alzheimer's and Healthy patients) for the purpose of data augmentation. Implemented in TensorFlow, trained on ADNI dataset.
Interactive Visualization & Data Analysis: Evolution of Air Quality Index (IQA) in Milan, Italy in the last 15 years.
Code for my Master's Thesis "Deep Neural Encoding Models of the Human Visual Cortex to Predict fMRI Responses to Natural Visual Scenes" and my submission for the "Algonauts Project 2023 Challenge".
Code for the paper "Theoretical Investigation of Inorganic Particulate Matter: The Case of Water Adsorption on a NaCl Particle Model Studied Using Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations" and Bachelor's Thesis "Cluster Analysis on the Results of Molecular Simulation of the Water Adsorption Process on Atmospheric Particulate Models"
Credit Card Fraud Detection using different classifiers (RF, SVM, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, ...) on KNIME platform.
CXR-ACGAN: Auxiliary Classifier GAN (AC-GAN) for Chest X-Ray (CXR) Images Generation (Pneumonia, COVID-19 and healthy patients) for the purpose of data augmentation. Implemented in TensorFlow, trained on COVIDx CXR-3 dataset.
It's just Me, Myself and I.
Two-stream CNNs for Video Action Recognition using Stacked Optical Flow. Implemented in Keras on HMDB-51 dataset.
Minimal Portfolio for my Data Science projects. Jekyll minimal template hosted on GitHub Pages.
Extreme Extractive Text Summarization and Topic Modeling (using LSA and LDA techniques) over Reddit Posts from TLDRHQ dataset.
giocoal's Repositories
Minimal Portfolio for my Data Science projects. Jekyll minimal template hosted on GitHub Pages.
Brain T1-Weighted MRI Images Classification and WGAN Generation (Alzheimer's and Healthy patients) for the purpose of data augmentation. Implemented in TensorFlow, trained on ADNI dataset.
Two-stream CNNs for Video Action Recognition using Stacked Optical Flow. Implemented in Keras on HMDB-51 dataset.
Credit Card Fraud Detection using different classifiers (RF, SVM, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, ...) on KNIME platform.
CXR-ACGAN: Auxiliary Classifier GAN (AC-GAN) for Chest X-Ray (CXR) Images Generation (Pneumonia, COVID-19 and healthy patients) for the purpose of data augmentation. Implemented in TensorFlow, trained on COVIDx CXR-3 dataset.
Interactive Visualization & Data Analysis: Evolution of Air Quality Index (IQA) in Milan, Italy in the last 15 years.
It's just Me, Myself and I.
Extreme Extractive Text Summarization and Topic Modeling (using LSA and LDA techniques) over Reddit Posts from TLDRHQ dataset.
Using distibuctional semantics (word2vec family algorithms and the CADE framework) to learn word embeddings from the Italian literary corpuses we generated.
Time Series Analysis and Forecasting (using ARIMA, UCM and Random Forest models) of a restaurant's revenue during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, to estimate the loss incurred.
Two Data Visualization about the relationship between PROMs scores after surgery and weather conditions on the day of compilation. Made with the matplotlib library.
🧬☣️ An up-to-date & curated list of awesome ML in biology and medical imaging datasets, project, ideas, papers & repositories.
Code for the paper "Theoretical Investigation of Inorganic Particulate Matter: The Case of Water Adsorption on a NaCl Particle Model Studied Using Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations" and Bachelor's Thesis "Cluster Analysis on the Results of Molecular Simulation of the Water Adsorption Process on Atmospheric Particulate Models"
Data Acquisition and Modeling: Graph database containing information related to competitive Pokémon videogames, scraped from various sources
Project for Social Issues in Information Society course
Code for my Master's Thesis "Deep Neural Encoding Models of the Human Visual Cortex to Predict fMRI Responses to Natural Visual Scenes" and my submission for the "Algonauts Project 2023 Challenge".
Personal site on GitHub
Descriptive Statistics and Regression Analysis on Used Vehicle Dataset.
Repository to upload useful datasets
Tetuan City Electricity Consumption High-Frequency Time-Series Forecasting Using Arima, UCM, Machine Learning (Random Forest and k-NN), and Deep Learning (GRU Recurrent Neural Network) Models.
A Digital Garden Theme for Gatsby. Gatsby Garden lets you create a static HTML version of your markdown notes
Simple data processing w/ Pandas
Analysis of metadata from The American Gut Project, aiming to find relationships between the presence of emigraine headache in subjects, the coopresence of gastrointestinal disorders, and the characteristics of the their gut microbiota.
Toxoplasma Gondii: PubMed Bibliographic Data Acquisition and Analysis, using BioPython Package.