Ever gotten frustrated with trying to figure out what a function did in an unfamiliar github repository? HelloCodeJS was built to solve that problem. It statically analyzes all of the function calls and declarations in a repo and visualizes them as a graph. Written by Chris Cook, Sergio "Gio" Gomez, Kevin Hurley, and Yi Chao from Fullstack Academy Chicago.
- Enter github repository url into the URL bar on the top middle. (make sure it's a valid URL)
- When the file tree appears, navigate to any javascript file of interest from the project. A code window will appear with your selected javascript file.
- Click on any function invocation or definition and a visualization will appear with your selected function in the middle of the display.
- Using the graph:
- Double-clicking a node will make it the new active node and center it on the display. The visualization and active code window will rerender with the new selection.
- Single-click a node to open a secondary code window and examine the code context of the new secondary node. The secondary node will be highlighted to show its association with the secondary code window.
- Git fork or clone the repository into your desired folder
$ cd helloCodeJS
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Go to http://localhost:7770/ in your browser
Enter npm test on your command line to run the tests for this application.
HelloCodeJS uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- React - Awesome Javascript-powered library for building UIs
- Redux - Tool for managing state in our application
- Esprima - for all your Javascript parsing needs
- CodeMirror - code editor for the browser
- Paper - graphics framework used to build visualization
- Twitter Bootstrap - great UI
- Express - for easy backend routing
- Webpack - module bundler
- And more
- Write More Tests
- Update Documentation