
🗂 CLI for fill territory record form pdf

Primary LanguageJavaScript

fill-territory-record-pdf 🗂

CLI for fill territory record form pdf


npx fill-territory-record-pdf [CSVFILE] [FROM_TERRITORY] --outDir <value>


  • type: String

Territory record CSV file to read and fill pdf

# Run command and read csv from home
npx fill-territory-record-pdf ~/territory-record.csv

# Run command and read csv from current dir
npx fill-territory-record-pdf my-record.csv

# Run command and read csv from your custom path
npx fill-territory-record-pdf /my/custom/path/record.csv

CSV structure

It should have the following header fields


field name type required description
territory Number required Territory number
publisher String required Publisher name
started_at Date required Start date of record
finished_at Date not required Finish date of record



territory publisher started_at finished_at
1 Dennis Schulist 2018-10-11 2019-06-02
2 Kurtis Weissnat 2019-10-17


  • type: Number

Initial territory number to consider from CSV file and fill pdf

# Run command and consider territory record from number 1
npx fill-territory-record-pdf [CSV_FILE] 1

# Run command and consider territory record from number 11
npx fill-territory-record-pdf [CSV_FILE] 11


  • default: process.cwd() current folder of command is executed
  • type: String

Specify an output folder for filled territory record pdf

# Run command and specify downloads folder as output for pdf
npx fill-territory-record-pdf [CSV_FILE] [FROM_TERRITORY] --outDir '~/Downloads'

# Run command and specify folder as output for pdf
npx fill-territory-record-pdf [CSV_FILE] [FROM_TERRITORY] --outDir './2022-31-08'