
Primary LanguageRubyCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


filepath is a small library that helps dealing with files, directories and paths in general; a modern replacement for the standard Pathname.

filepath is built around two main classes: FilePath, that represents paths, and FilePathList, lists of paths. The instances of these classes are immutable objects with dozens of convience methods for common operations such as calculating relative paths, concatenating paths, finding all the files in a directory or modifing all the extensions of a list of file names at once.

Features and examples

The main purpose of FilePath is to able to write

require __FILE__.as_path / 'spec' / 'tasks'

instad of cumbersome code like

require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), ['spec', 'tasks'])

The main features of FilePath are…

Path concatenation

oauth_conf = ENV['HOME'].as_path / '.config' / 'myapp' / 'oauth.ini'
oauth_conf.to_s  #=> "/home/gioele/.config/myapp/oauth.ini"

joe_home = ENV['HOME'].as_path / '..' / 'joe'
joe_home.to_raw_string #=> "/home/gioele/../joe"
joe_home.to_s          #=> "/home/joe"

rel1 = oauth_conf.relative_to(joe_home)
rel1.to_s #=> "../gioele/.config/myapp/oauth.ini"

rel2 = joe_home.relative_to(oauth_conf)
rel2.to_s #=> "../../../joe"

Path manipulation

image = ENV['HOME'].as_path / 'Documents' / 'images' / 'cat.png'
image.parent_dir.to_s  #=> "/home/gioele/Documents/images"
image.filename.to_s    #=> "cat.png"
image.extension        #=> "png"

converted_img = image.replace_extension("jpeg")
converted_img.to_s     #=> "/home/gioele/Documents/images/cat.jpeg"
convert(image, converted_img)

Path traversal

file_dir = FilePath.new("/srv/example.org/web/html/")
file_dir.descend do |path|
    is = path.readable? ? "is" : "is not!"

    puts "#{path} #{is} readable"


/ is readable
/srv is readable
/srv/example.org is readable
/srv/example.org/web is not! readable
/srv/example.org/web/html is not! redable

Shortcuts for file and directory operations

home_dir = ENV['HOME']

files = home_dir.files
files.count #=> 3
files.each { |path| puts path.filename.to_s }


# .bashrc
# .vimrc
# TODO.txt


dirs = home_dir.directories
dirs.count  #=> 2
dirs.each { |path| puts path.filename.to_s + "/"}


# .ssh/
# Documents/


The filepath library does not require any external library: it relies complitely on functionalities available in the Ruby's core classes.

The filepath library has been tested and found compatible with Ruby 1.8.7, Ruby 1.9.3 and JRuby 1.6.


gem install filepath



Code : https://github.com/gioele/filepath

Report issues : https://github.com/gioele/filepath/issues

Documentation : http://rubydoc.info/gems/filepath


This is free software released into the public domain (CC0 license).

See the COPYING file or http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more details.