
Pulls out the VDOM and makes tests easy

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The Idea

I wrote this handy little library for testing purposes: you can extract the vdom from a React component and test it against a JSON with simple tools like assert.deepEqual() and without a real DOM. The extracted vdom has the following type definition:

type Node = {
  tag: string,
  attrs: object<name, value>,
  children: undefined | null | Node | Array<Node>

If your component handle a private state, you can inject a state to test different configurations.

This is an example of massive use in a form generation library:


Basic example

var vdom = require('react-vdom');

// a simple component
var Counter = React.createClass({
  getInitialState: function () {
    return {count: 0};
  render: function () {
    return (
      React.DOM.div(null, this.state.count)

var component = Counter();
var json = vdom(component);


  "tag": "div",
  "attrs": {},
  "children": 0

Inject a state

var state = {count: 1};
var component = Counter();
console.log(vdom(component, state));


  "tag": "div",
  "attrs": {},
  "children": 1


npm install react-vdom


vdom(element, [state])
  • element a ReactElement
  • state inject a state

Returns a JSON containing a synthetic VDOM.

License (MIT)