
A Web Server implemented in Java

Primary LanguageJava

giogt web-server

A file web-server able to serve HTTP requests, implemented from scratch with a limited set of third-party dependencies.

This is mainly an educational project and can be used as a base to implement a custom simple server.

A valid alternative to write it from scratch could be using a framework such as Netty.

HTTP methods

Supported methods:

  • GET
  • PUT
  • HEAD

The POST method could have been implemented using multipart/form-data to create new files and the PUT method could have been left for updates only. For simplicity, instead, only the PUT method was implemented and it is used for both creates and updates.

The way that the POST method could have worked, if implemented, is:

  • the request target URI is a server directory
  • the request body is encoded using multipart/form-data, to be able to contain both a file and some parameters (metadata)
  • a request parameter can be used as the file name
    • the parameter name must be shared between the client and the server (e.g., filename)
  • the server reads the file from the request and writes it in the target directory, using the filename specified in the request parameter for the file name
  • if the operation is successful, a 204 (Created) response is sent to the client, adding a location header set with the newly created file target URI.

Technology used

  • The main application and the unit tests are developed in Java version 11
  • The integration tests are developed in Kotlin
  • The build tool used is gradle
  • Tests are developed using JUnit version 5 (Juniper + hamcrest)
  • Other technologies:
    • Project Lombok
    • slf4j + logback
    • freemarker (for templates)
    • javax.activation (for MIME type detection)

Error responses

For all 4xx and 5xx responses, a HTML page with the description of the error is returned. This is useful when using a web browser, so that the user can easily visualise the error occurred.

This feature is implemented using freemarker templates.

Directory listing

When a GET request is performed on a target URI denoting a directory, a HTML page listing the files included in the directory is displayed to the user.

Directories are displayed in bold to be distinguishable from regular files.

This feature is implemented using freemarker templates, too.

Content types

When serving files, the content type is derived using the MimetypesFileTypeMap class from javax.activation, which works using a mapping between file extensions and MIME types.

The library already contains some mappings, but some of them are not up to date. Additional mappings can be specified in the META-INF/mime.types file in the Java resources (in this project, the src/main/resources directory). The library will always try to use the mappings defined in the resource file first, if present. A resource file with more up to date mappings has been added to the project.

If no mapping for a given extension is found, neither in the file nor in the ones contained in the library itself, the MIME type will default to application/octet-stream.


The configuration is defined in the class WebServerConfig, with the use of the custom Property annotation to specify the property name and optionally a default value for each property.

There are multiple implementations of properties stores, under org.giogt.web.server.properties.store. A properties store is a basically a properties provider, able to retrieve the properties from different sources (e.g., a map, a file, java system properties, environment variables). There is also a composite properties store, which is able to combine different properties stores in order, such that a previously added one will override any other one added after.

The ConfigProvider class is parsing the Property annotations in the WebServerConfig data class and filling the class fields with the corresponding properties retrieved from the properties store.

The properties stores are added in an order such that:

  • are first retrieved as Java system properties (with the org.giogt.web.server. prefix)
  • if not found, they are retrieved as environment variables (with the ORG_GIOGT_WEB_SERVER_ prefix, capitalised and with every . converted to _)
  • if not found, the default value defined in the WebServerConfig Property annotation is used.

There is also an implementation of a FilePropertiesStore, able to read properties from a properties file, but for simplicity reasons it is not currently used. It would be trivial to add it, if needed.


Although the HTTP specification does not define any limit for requests, a limit must be enforced to avoid malicious clients to send very long requests, which might result in an out of memory error that will crash the server.

This server enforces the following limits:

  • request line: 8 KB
  • request headers size: 16 KB
  • request payload size: 64 MB

Launching the server

The server can be launched using the run Gradle task:

./gradlew run

Alternatively, it can be run using Docker (see below).


A docker image can be produced using the gradle task buildDockerImage or running the script docker-build.sh, which is invoking the gradle task under the hood.

Gradle plugin com.bmuschko.docker-java-application is used. There is a known issue that prevents it to work with Java 13, therefore please be sure to run gradle with Java 11 or 12 when invoking the buildDockerImage task.

The task depends on the Gradle build task, gets the uber jar generated with the shadowJar plugin under the build directory and copies it under the docker/web-server directory, where the Dockerfile is defined and the Docker image is built.

After the image has been build, it can be launched with the docker-run.sh shell script, which automatically:

  • maps the host port 8080 to the container port 8080
  • mounts the root/main directory to the /web/root directory
  • sets the environment variable to configure /web/root as the server root directory

Known limitations

Please find below the list of known limitations and improvements that could have been implemented, but have been left out due to insufficient time.

Keep-alive not implemented

The keep-alive behaviour was not implemented.

This is causing a problem, though, since the server is accepting both HTTP/1.0 (where keep-alive can be enabled with the Connection: keep-alive header) and HTTP/1.1 (where keep-alive is enabled by default) requests. When using clients that will keep the connection alive and try to make another request on the same connection, the server will just close the connection with the client without processing the second request.

I noticed this issue while implementing the parallel GET integration test trying to use the same Java HTTP client instance for all the requests. In order to avoid this issue, in the integration tests the HTTP client is newly created for each tests, so that it will never reuse an open connection.

File writing locks

When receiving multiple PUT requests at the same time, a locking mechanism should be implemented, so that only the first PUT request acquiring the lock will upload the file and the other PUT requests will wait until the lock is released or until a timeout occurs, whichever comes first.

There is a rudimentary lock system in place to avoid file conflicts, based on FileChannel locks, but it should be improved and covered better in the integration tests.


Currently, the request body is read completely and loaded in a byte array when the request is parsed, in the HttpRequestParser class. Similarly, the response body is written in a byte array in the HTTP method handlers that build a response with a body.

This can cause a lot of memory consumption for big files and it could be improved by streaming the data directly from the sockets to the file and the other way around.


The application should expose metrics:

  • the JVM standard ones (cpu, heap, threads, etc.)
  • custom additional metrics, such as:
    • the number of connections since started (counter)
    • the number of concurrently opened connection at a given time (gauge)
    • number of responses, by response code

A very common solution for metrics is Prometheus.

  • Java metrics already present in JXM can be exported using the Prometheus JMX exporter, which can be run as a Java agent and it will expose all the JMX metrics with the format expected by Prometheus automatically
  • Custom metrics in JVM projects can be created and exported using the Prometheus Java client

Admin console

An admin console server could have been opened on another port, so that the server could be administered with an admin client.

The admin console could provide operations such as getting the current configuration, change the configuration on the fly, shutting down the server gracefully.