
A tool to help manage remotely your docker instances

Primary LanguagePython


Docket is a command line utility that helps you build docker images, deploy containers and monitor running instances. It uses Docker's Remote API in order to run it from any machine without having to install docker.


  • Builds image based on application and Dockerfile placed under certain directory
  • Creates containers from this image
  • Helps you monitor container health
  • Logs from all containers are placed in the /container-logs directory of the host machine
  • Tested on: OSX 10.10, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04

Project Structure

├── application  
│   ├── Dockerfile  
│   ├── package.json  
│   └── server.js  
├── config  
│   └── container.spec  
├── docket
├── lib  
│   ├── containers.py  
│   ├── docker.py  
│   ├── __init__.py  
│   └── monitoring.py  
└── README.md  
  • The application/ directory is the default directory where the Dockerfile and all application files are placed.
  • container.spec is used by default to create containers.

Get Started


The only thing you need to have installed in order to start using docket is python and pip. The script takes care of installing any other needed libraries.

To get started, you have to clone the repository to your computer.

$ git clone https://github.com/giohan/docket.git
$ cd docket
$ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`
$ chmod +x docket
$ docket build --url http://<docker-host>:<port> -n <number of instances>

Note: If you want to build the image without creating containers, just run with -n 0. If you do so, later you can create containers without building the image again:

docket build --url http://<docker-host>:<port> -n 3 --container-only

When running on ubuntu server 16.04, sometimes an import error appeared. This was due to pip locale settings. To get past this do:

$ export LC_ALL=C


  • Basic commands:
usage: docket {build,containers,list,monitor} [-h] ...

    build               Builds image and creates containers
    containers          Container operations
    list                Returns a list of running containers
    monitor             Monitor running containers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  • Build:
usage: docket build [-h] [-u URL] [-n NUM_INSTANCES] [-i IMAGE_NAME]
                      [-d DIRECTORY] [-c CONTAINER_SPEC]

Build a docker image from given app and create a number of containers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     The url where the docker daemon is running. Format:
  -n NUM_INSTANCES, --num-instances NUM_INSTANCES 
                        Number of container instances to create after building
                        the image. Default=1
  -i IMAGE_NAME, --image-name IMAGE_NAME
                        Name of the created image
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        Directory of the application files. Path can be
                        absolute or relative and must contain Dockerfile.
  -c CONTAINER_SPEC, --container-spec CONTAINER_SPEC
                        JSON file containing parameters for creating the
                        containers. Must be carefull with "Binds" in order to
                        maintain centralized logging
  --container-only      Use this if you want to create containers from
                        existing image
  • Monitor:
usage: docket monitor [-h] [-u URL] [--auto-update]

Creates a table with basic metrics for each container

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL  The url where the docker daemon is running. Format:
  --auto-update      Makes the metrics table auto-update in a "top"-like
  • Container Operations:
usage: docket containers [-h] [-u URL] --id ID {start,stop,rm}

Helps you start|stop|rm containers by ID

  {start,stop,rm}    The action to do on the specified container. For "rm" the
                     container needs to be stopped first.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL  The url where the docker daemon is running. Format:
  --id ID            REQUIRED  Id of the container you want to effect


  • Build an image called test/image and create 3 instances from this image.
docket build --url http://<ip>:<port> -i test/image -n 3
  • Get metrics of all running containers
docket monitor --url http://<ip>:<port>
  • Stop and remove a running container
docket containers stop --id <container id or name> --url http://<ip>:<port>
docket containers rm --id <container id or name> --url http://<ip>:<port>
  • Get list of all containers, including not running
docket list --url http://<ip>:<port> --all

Sample output:

$ docket monitor --url
|        Name         |  CPU %  | Mem Usage / Limit  |     Net I / O     |
| kickass_lalande     |  0.0 %  | 73.18 MB / 12.6 GB | 648.0 B / 738.0 B |
| pedantic_tesla      |  0.0 %  | 73.19 MB / 12.6 GB | 1.39 KB / 648.0 B |
| furious_archimedes  |  0.0 %  | 73.18 MB / 12.6 GB | 4.51 KB / 738.0 B |
| sharp_chandrasekhar |  0.0 %  | 73.18 MB / 12.6 GB | 5.86 KB / 738.0 B |
| prickly_payne       |  0.0 %  | 73.18 MB / 12.6 GB | 6.37 KB / 738.0 B |
$ docket build --url -i test/image
Building image "test/image" from directory "application/"... 
	(This might take a while)
Image built successfully!
Creating "1" containers from image "test/image"... 
Created 1 containers!
started container d273f373aab8dd470cd82fb8304b153fe31dbd2aa01eac141dc57adb443cd454
|     Name      | Status  |     IP     |    Ports    |   Image    |
| nauseous_bell | running | | 8080: 32871 | test/image |
|               |         |            | 22: 32872   |            |
$ docket list --url --all
|        Name         | Status  |     IP      |    Ports    |   Image    |
| sharp_wing          | running | | 8080: 32885 | test/image |
|                     |         |             | 22: 32886   |            |
| nauseous_bell       | running |  | 8080: 32871 | test/image |
|                     |         |             | 22: 32872   |            |
| kickass_lalande     | running |  | 8080: 32869 | test/image |
|                     |         |             | 22: 32870   |            |
| pedantic_tesla      | running |  | 8080: 32867 | test/image |
|                     |         |             | 22: 32868   |            |
| sad_noyce           | exited  |             |             | test/image |
| furious_archimedes  | exited  |             |             | test/image |
| sharp_chandrasekhar | running |  | 8080: 32855 | test/image |
|                     |         |             | 22: 32856   |            |
| prickly_payne       | running |  | 8080: 32853 | test/image |
|                     |         |             | 22: 32854   |            |