
This projects provides the following facilities for enhancing user experience with the ontologies and the controlled vocabularies of OntoPiA:

  • Virtuoso as SPARQL enpoint;
  • LODE for visualising ontologies as HTML;
  • WebVOWL for visualising ontologies with the Visual Notation for OWL Ontologies (VOWL);
  • LodView for browsing ontology entities as well as controlloed vocabularies entities.

Build and run

The project relies on Docker. To build the containers type the following command in the terminal having the root of the project as base folder:

$> docker-compose build

To run the containers type the following command in the terminal having the root of the project as base folder:

$> docker-compose up


Once the containers are up and assuming that localhost is the reference host, users can access:


The following is an example of SPARQL SELECT query that returns all the classes defined in the ontology network of OntoPiA.

PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
  ?class a owl:Class

The resource http://localhost:8080/lodview/onto/CPV/Person can be used to visualise the HTML representation of the class Person for the CPV (core person) ontology.

The resource http://localhost:8080/webvowl/#iri=https://w3id.org/italia/onto/CPV can be used to visualise the CPV (core person) ontology with the VOWL notation.

The resource http://localhost:9090/lode/extract?url=https://w3id.org/italia/onto/CPV can be used to visualise the CPV (core person) ontology as HTML.