

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dentsu Aegis Tech Test

The code in this repo builds, tests and deploys a simple Node application using Jenkins, Docker and Kubernetes. As part of the test some assumptions were made:

  • No unit tests are run - assuming this happens somewhere else, before the code hits this pipeline
  • To keep it simple, the job runs on the Jenkins master, which has Packer, Docker and Kubectl already installed
  • The application has no dependencies, so there's no need to npm install


The code is packaged up in a Docker container, using node:9.9.0-alpine as base image. Packer builds a new image, copying in the code from the repo (being the app very minimalistic there are no external dependencies, so skipping the npm install step). The image gets tagged locally using the ci- prefix in the name, which will be dropped once the image has passed the tests.


The image is tested from a functional point of view, checking that node is listening on port 8080 and that the body contains a specific string (Hello World) as per the requirements (the container ID has been added to the string to demonstrate that the application is running on a cluster).


Once the image has successfully passed the test, it gets tagged with its full name dentsuaegistechtest/dentsuaegistechtest:0.1.$BUILD_NUMBER and pushed to Docker Hub


The application is deployed in a Kubernetes cluster running on Google Cloud, using three replicas behind a load balancer. Every successfull commit ends up with a deployment.