This is the source code for the Scala.js website at
If you intended to look at the Scala.js source code itself, you can find it here:
The key to contributing is being able to edit and preview your content. Your pull requests are welcome!
As this website is built with Jekyll, we will need to set up some Ruby tooling.
First, install RVM (Ruby Version Manager): Then run the following commands:
$ rvm use 2.4.4 --install
# Set up Bundler, a Ruby package manager
# It downloads dependencies specified in a Gemfile
# but into a local path unlike gem
$ gem install bundler
# and if this fails, try installing libffi first (distro-specific):
# sudo apt install libffi-dev
# Install dependencies such as Jekyll and its plugins:
$ bundle install
# Do a full build:
$ bundle exec jekyll build
This is what you would do after initial installation:
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --watch