
Jenkins running in Kubernetes with immutable configs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


kubernetes-native CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins as a tool to launch jobs.

NOTE: For people familiar with Kubernetes terminology, this is a bit like an ingress controller but for CI/CD jobs in kubernetes.


Kubernetes is really good at running any workloads in the cluster, including CI/CD workloads. Every CI/CD job should be a kubernetes job.

Jenkins is good at providing high level CI/CD flows.

Design overview

There are some key invariants this project focuses on:


Local state

Jenkins is set up to at any time have no local state it depends on. The pod with jenkins can be deleted at any time and a new, identical jenkins instance will automatically start up right away.

Declarative job specification

All jobs are described as Kubernetes config maps, a Jenkins sidecar container auto-discovers jobs from the cluster and updates the configuration.

There is no way to configure a Jenkins job via the user interface.

Every job is implemented as a helm chart - jobs are versioned, published and updated using helm flow.


All logs are managed by kubernetes, via existing interfaces. Jenkins should provide a link to the external log storage.


Jenkins does not have any access to any infrastructure secrets. It is only authorized to start jobs specified as helm charts. Logs should be managed by kubernetes.


Kubernetes is responsible for running CI/CD jobs as kubernetes native jobs. It takes care of secret management, resource allocation, running the jobs and pretty much everything else.

Example Job ConfigMap

  • All ConfigMaps containing jobs that should be processed must have a label with key ci-job-spec, value true
  • One job per ConfigMap, any more will be ignored
  • Job data YAML must be in a section called job.yaml
  • ssh_secret_ref under the git section should be the name of a a secret already stored in kubernetes
  • If you want the Github pull request builder to register hooks and automatically build when your project's pull requests are updated, set enabled: "true" in the ghprb section
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: start-helm-test
  namespace: default
  labels: {
    "ci-job-spec": "true"
  job.yaml: |
    - job:
        name: "start-helm-test"
        namespace: "default"
          url: "git@github.com:gravitational/helm-test.git"
          branch: "gravitational/k8s"
          ssh_secret_ref: "github-key"
          enabled: "true"
          admin_users: "webvictim"
          whitelisted_users: "webvictim"
          whitelisted_orgs: "gravitational"          
        aws_secret: "aws-key"        
        service_account_name: "gus-test-jenkins"        
        run_command: |
          kubectl create namespace tiller
          kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace tiller tiller
          kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=tiller:tiller
          helm init --tiller-namespace tiller --service-account tiller
          export DECRYPT_CHARTS=false
          kubectl create namespace release-1
          helm-wrapper install --timeout 900 --name release-1 --tiller-namespace tiller helm-test-chart --debug --namespace release-1 -f helm-test/charts/secrets.yaml -f helm-test/secrets.yaml
        workdir: "gravitational/kubernetes/helm"

Example github secret:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: github-ssh-key
  namespace: default
type: Opaque
  private-key: [base64-encoded SSH private key - e.g. cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa | base64 -w0] 
  ssh_fingerprint: U0hBMjU2Om5UaGJnNmtYVXBKV0dsN0UxSUdPQ3NwUm9tVHhkQ0FSTHZpS3c2RTVTWTg=