Bootstrap/JQuery Portfolio

A simple Project which uses bootstrap, JQuery and XMLHttpRequest

It's main feature is that it can represent dynamically every image stored in the img/portfolio and img/team directories. If any image is added in these folders it will be represented automatically in the dom with it's name.


You have to install the dependencies first. Run:

npm install


To build the project run:

npm run build

To build and watch for changes run:

npm run build-watch

Technologies used

Bootstrap 4
JQuery Dom manipulation
jQuery AJAX
JavaScript Promises
JS Map Objects

fetchFiles(dir, fileType)

This function uses XMLHttpRequest objects to fetch all the files of the specific given fileType which are stored in the relative dir path

It returns a promise which can be resolved to an array of objects.

Each object has 2 properties. The name of the file and the its url.

In this example it is used to fetch asynchronously all the images in the directories img/portfolio and img/team
