
This guide is specific for Linux SO.

  1. Clone this repository
git clone

Now choose between continuing the setup with docker or with native tools.


Follow the list.

  1. Copy the .env.example
cp .env.example .env

Don't change anything inside this file

  1. Build app image and setup the necessary containers:
podman-compose up -d
  1. Get inside the app container:
podman exec -it challenge-app bash
  1. Run database migrations and seeders:
php artisan migrate --seed
  1. Exit the app container:

If you have docker, replace podman with docker, and podman-compose with docker-compose.


  1. Make sure you have the next tools installed:
Name Version
php > 8.2
composer > 2.7
mysql 8.0
  1. Copy the .env.example.local-sql:
cp .env.example.local-sql .env

Inside this file, you need to put some credentials for your mysql access. Change DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD accordingly

  1. Install dependencies:
composer install
  1. Run database migrations and seeders:
php artisan migrate --seed
  1. Run application:
php artisan serve


Check the next requests with their corresponding method:

  • Response: { data: Array<{ nameClass: { start: Time, end: Time, classBlockId: int } }>}
  • Body: { sudentId: int, classBlockId: int}

DELETE Booked Class.

  • QUeryParameters: { sudentId: int, classBlockId: int}

We also provide an Insomnia json (challenge-insomnia-collection.json) for testing the endpoint.

Possible Errors

  • In case of error with laravel.log file, regarding access to write file (mostly happens with docker) run:
chmod -R 777 storage


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.