
Exercise management app

🪶 About

This project was created during the Next Level Week Together. It is part of a study about the elixir programming language with the phoenix framework. It covers technologies like Graphql and API Testing

🚀 Techs

  • Elixir (with Phoenix)
  • Graphql
  • Postgres

💾 Running

To run this project, you need

  • Install Elixir
  • Install Phoenix
  • Create a postgres database called Wabanex Dev
  $ git clone https://github.com/giovaniif/nlw-together
  $ cd nlw-together
  $ mix deps.get # Install dependencias
  $ mix ecto.setup # Run migrations
  $ mix phx.server # Start server

🤙 Contact

Made with 💜 by Giovani Farias. 👋 Get in touch!