
The app which can measure and calculate your risk of hypertension disease

Primary LanguageJava


This application is about Measuring (blood pressure) and Calculate the risk of hypertension

Home Menu Home Menu

Measuring process Measuring Process

Result Result

Suggestion Suggestion

How to Measure Blood Pressure

A preview for 30 seconds of recording will be processed frame by frame to get the intensities of RBG colors on each frame.

Red and Green intensities will be stored in an array that will be applied on a Fast Fourier Transform, on the resultant array the highest peak after neglecting the noise which will be on the first few stored data will contain the frequency of the heart rate on 1 second, after that the heart beat will be estimated. (Fft) After estimating the heart rate, blood pressure can be estimated by using some equation which will be mentioned in the references.

How to calculate the risk of hypertension?

After the blood pressure of user is detected, this application will calculate it with Naive Bayes algorithm


Oxygen Saturation Level (SPo2)

A. . K. Kanva, C. J. Sharma and S. Deb, "Determination of SpO2 and Heart-rate using Smartphone,International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication, New Delhi, India, 2014.

(Heart Rate & Respiration Rate)


(Blood Pressure)

MEASURING VITAL SIGNS USING SMART PHONES by B. Vikram Chandrasekaran. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7883/0cf36262f92049a7b4348813b3a7734f5287.pdf

(Image Processing)


Extra Papers:

[1] M. J. Gregoski, M. Mueller, A. Vertegel, A. Shaporev, B. Jackson, R. M. Frenzel, S. M. Sprehn and F. Treiber, "Development and Validation of a Smartphone Heart Rate," International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, vol. 2012, no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2011. [2] V. Chandrasekaran, R. Dantu, S. Jonnada, S. Thiyagaraja and K. P. Subbu, "Cuffless Differential Blood Pressure Estimation," IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 1080-1089, 2013. [3] Y. Nam, B. A. Reyes and K. H. Chon, "Estimation of Respiratory Rates Using the," Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 20, no. 6, pp. 1493 - 1501 , 2015. [4] D. G. L. S. D.L.Carnì, "Setting–up of PPG Scaling Factors for SpO2% Evaluation by Smartphone," in Conference, Benevento, Italy, 2016.