Giovanni Filippi Udacity

Readable Project


I'm using Node v6.2.2 and yarn 0.27.5 for this project.

Backend Server

This runs on a simple Node server. To install the server Clone.

To install and start the API server:

  1. Run cd api-server
  2. Then yarn to install all dependencies
  3. node server will start the server

Front-end Development

  1. Run yarn to install all dependencies
  2. Then yarn start to boot up the local server
  3. yarn build will create a production version of the app

Libraries Used

  • React create-react-app
  • Redux
  • Lodash
  • ANT UI Library
  • Moment.js


  • Add, edit and delete posts
  • Add, edit, delete comments
  • View posts by Category
  • Filter posts by Title, VoteScore or Date
  • Error handling
  • Redux State Management


This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. You can find more information on how to perform common tasks here.