An angular directive for ScrollMagic, define pins and tweens in markup
Install via npm
npm i -S angular-scroll-magic
Include the necessary files and dependencies (
) on your page or in your build process -
to app's module dependencies
Turn on indicators to help during development
// In your app config
scrollMagicProvider.addIndicators = true;
Create a scene, by applying the sm-scene
directive this determines the timing for the desired behaviour
<div sm-scene="sceneId" duration="500" offset="100" trigger-hook="0.75"></div>
(string) : scene identifiertrigger-element
[(element|selector)] : defaults to the directive elementduration
[(integer|string|function)] : if using a string with a%
symbol this will be calculated against viewport heightoffset
[(integer|string)] : if using a string with a%
symbol this will be calculated against the height of the trigger element (if specified) or documenttrigger-hook
[(float)] : this determines the position of the trigger point relative to the viewport
<div sm-tween="sceneId" duration="1" from-vars="{left: '100%'}" to-vars="{left: '0%'}"></div>
(string) : the identifier of the scene (trigger) to useduration
(number) : duration of tween relative to length of scenefrom-vars
(object) : options used by GSAP such as CSS properties
<div sm-class-toggle="sceneId" classes=""></div>
(string) : the identifier of the scene (trigger) to useclasses
(string) : the classes to add/remove
<div sm-pin="sceneId"></div>
(string) : the identifier of the scene (trigger) to use
Allows access to scenes from your controllers.
<!-- Define scene in your template -->
<div sm-scene="myScene"></div>
// Add an observer which will trigger on initialisation of the scene
ScrollMagicService.onSceneAdded('myScene', function(scene) {
// do stuff with `scene`
// Or after initialisation
var scene = ScrollMagicService.getScene('myScene');
ScrollMagic doesn't work as expected with Webpack, try using the script-loader
like so:
import 'script!scrollmagic';
import 'script!scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap';
import 'script!scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/debug.addIndicators';
import angularScrollMagic from 'angular-scroll-magic';
Or manually declare dependencies for scrollmagic in your bower.json file:
"overrides": {
"scrollmagic": {
"main": [