
An angular directive for ScrollMagic, define pins and tweens in markup

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


An angular directive for ScrollMagic, define pins and tweens in markup




  1. Install via npm npm i -S angular-scroll-magic

  2. Include the necessary files and dependencies (ScrollMagic, GSAP) on your page or in your build process

  3. Add hj.scrollMagic to app's module dependencies


Turn on indicators to help during development

// In your app config
scrollMagicProvider.addIndicators = true;


Create a scene, by applying the sm-scene directive this determines the timing for the desired behaviour

<div sm-scene="sceneId" duration="500" offset="100" trigger-hook="0.75"></div>
  • sm-scene (string) : scene identifier
  • trigger-element [(element|selector)] : defaults to the directive element
  • duration [(integer|string|function)] : if using a string with a % symbol this will be calculated against viewport height
  • offset [(integer|string)] : if using a string with a % symbol this will be calculated against the height of the trigger element (if specified) or document
  • trigger-hook [(float)] : this determines the position of the trigger point relative to the viewport


<div sm-tween="sceneId" duration="1" from-vars="{left: '100%'}" to-vars="{left: '0%'}"></div>
  • sm-tween (string) : the identifier of the scene (trigger) to use
  • duration (number) : duration of tween relative to length of scene
  • from-vars [(object)]
  • to-vars|vars (object) : options used by GSAP such as CSS properties


<div sm-class-toggle="sceneId" classes=""></div>
  • sm-class-toggle (string) : the identifier of the scene (trigger) to use
  • classes (string) : the classes to add/remove


<div sm-pin="sceneId"></div>
  • sm-pin (string) : the identifier of the scene (trigger) to use


Allows access to scenes from your controllers.

<!-- Define scene in your template -->
<div sm-scene="myScene"></div>
// Add an observer which will trigger on initialisation of the scene
ScrollMagicService.onSceneAdded('myScene', function(scene) {
    // do stuff with `scene`

// Or after initialisation
var scene = ScrollMagicService.getScene('myScene');


ScrollMagic doesn't work as expected with Webpack, try using the script-loader like so:

    import 'script!scrollmagic';
    import 'script!scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap';
    import 'script!scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/debug.addIndicators';

    import angularScrollMagic from 'angular-scroll-magic';

Or manually declare dependencies for scrollmagic in your bower.json file:

"overrides": {
  "scrollmagic": {
    "main": [