
Hello GraphQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Learning GraphQL


  • Created by Facebook in 2012, presented to the world in 2015 and open-sourced
  • It's a query language for APIs, not a database tech
  • Single endpoint (REST needs multiple, it's more efficient than REST)
  • Faster development: backend and frontend can work without communication
  • Accepts different clients/frontends: you can request whaetever you want, declarative data fetching
  • Returns a JSON with the prop "data"
  • Designed due to the increase mobile usage (less data travelling)
  • Large community already
  • Better than REST
  • It's always a POST request
  • Resolves overfetching and underfetching
  • Analytics for Backend
  • Schema and Type System: SDL = Schema Defition Language
  • Netflix created an alternative called Falcor: https://netflix.github.io/falcor/

We use query to fetch something:

query {
  TypeName(filters) {


type Person {
  name: String!
  age: Int!
  father: Person!
  friends: [Person!]!
  • The ! means required
  • Can have relations, single and multiple
  • rootFields and arguments fields (allPersons is root, name is arguments)


  allPersons {
  • last parameter to return only the last 2 items, there are also skip and take arguments
  • first paramter to return the first N items
  • The changes to the API are made through Mutations (updating, creating, deleting). They always start with the Mutation keyword
mutation {
  createPerson(name: "Bob", age: 36) {
  • GraphQL adds/have unique IDs for entities
  • Realtime updates are done by Subscriptions
subscription {
  newPerson {
  • root Types: type Query, type Mutation, type Subscription
  • To allow allPersons query, how to do:
  allPersons {

type Query {
  allPersons(last: Int): [Person!]!
  • To create a mutation, it's similar, needs to define a typeMutation with that name. Same for subscription. It will end up with a whole Schema that definies all the capabilities. Later we add the allPosts to the type Query. Exercise: update relationship between Person and Post. What I would answer:
type Mutation {
  updatePostAuthor(author: Person!): Post!

Architecture cases:

  • GraphQL server connected with a database
  • GraphQL server to integrate existing system
  • Hybrid approach of the ones above

Resolver functions

User(id: String!): User

GraphQL libraries like Relay or Apollo allows you to just describe and display.

Apollo vs Relay vs urql

  • In practice, attention, mutation doesn't need to have be wrapped in { }.
  • Since you’re adding two mutations to the editor at once, the mutations need to have operation names. In your case, these are CreatePrismaLink and CreateApolloLink.