
Arin XML Parser

Primary LanguagePerlOtherNOASSERTION

    The "Arin XML Data to MySQL" project provides the tool to dump arin.net's bulkwhois XML file to any database. All the user needs to do is execute the perl script bulkwhois2sql.pl. For more information about the script read the manual in the "doc" folder. 

-Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
    1) Download the project with wget. 
        a) wget https://github.com/McKizzle/Arin-XML-Data-to-MySQL/tarball/master -O BulkWhois2SQL.tar 
    2) Now untar the file
        a) tar -xvf BulkWhois2SQL.tar
    3) Install the following libraries by running this command.
        a) sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxml-libxml-perl zlib1g-dev build-essential 
    4) Install the following perl modules by running this command.
        a) sudo cpan -f SQL::Translator DBIx::Class DBIx::Class::Schema XML::LibXML::Reader XML::Simple XML::LibXML::SAX XML::SAX XML::SAX::ParserFactory Log::Log4perl JSON  
    5) Install your favorite database management system. We would recommend MySQL since it has been tested with bulkwhois2database.pl. 
        a) sudo apt-get install mysql-server

    WARNING) Before running the script create the database you want to drop the xml file to. In this case we named ours 'BulkWhois'. If you don't create a database the application will crash.
    WARNING) All previous tables in the database will be dropped. Create a backup first if needed.
    You can either run the script by typing:
        1) 'perl ./bulkwhois2database.pl [arguments go here]'.
        2) './bulkwhois2database.pl [arguments go here]' if the execute bit is set.
    For usage information pass in the argument '--help'

1) Run silently.
    './bulkwhois2database.pl --file ~/Desktop/arin_db/arin_db.xml --dbms mysql --database BulkWhois --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password 12345'
2) Run and print to the screen.
    './bulkwhois2database.pl --file ~/Desktop/arin_db/arin_db.xml --dbms mysql --database BulkWhois --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password 12345 --verbose TRACE'
3) Run and log to a file
    './bulkwhois2database.pl --file ~/Desktop/arin_db/arin_db.xml --dbms mysql --database BulkWhois --host localhost --port 3306 --user root --password 12345 --verbose TRACE --log output.log'
4) './bulkwhois2database.pl --help'

    Another usefull tool is dbicdump.pl. This script takes an existing database and dumps it into it into a set of modules that inherit from DBIx::Class::Schema and DBIx::Class::Core. This is the command I used on my test database. 
    -perl dbicdump.pl -o dump_directory=oldbulkwhoisdump -o components='["InflateColumn::DateTime"]' MyApp::Schema dbi:mysql:arin root 12345
    1) See if project can be added into the Arin project community.
    2) Check for unexpexted elements. Log it to a file.
    3) Add documentation explaning the purpose of this script.