
LiterAlura is a Java Spring Boot application that serves as a catalog for books, integrating with the Gutendex API to fetch book details. It allows users to search for books by title, list all books, list authors, and perform various other functionalities related to book management.

Primary LanguageJava


Java Spring

LiterAlura is a book catalog application developed using Java, Spring Boot, Hibernate, and an H2 database. It integrates with the Gutendex API to fetch book information based on user input.


  • Search by Title: Search for books by their title using the Gutendex API.
  • List Authors: Display a list of authors along with their details.
  • Multi-language Support: Supports books in multiple languages.


  • Java 11 or higher
  • Maven


Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/giovxna/literalura-challenge.git
cd literalura

Build the project:

mvn clean package

Run the application:

java -jar target/literalura-challenge-1.0.jar


It allows users to search for books by title, list all books, list authors, and perform various other functionalities related to book management.

Interaction example

Livro encontrado e salvo no banco de dados:
Título: Emma
Autor: Austen, Jane
Idioma: en