xAFCL EE - Portable and scalable enactment engine to run serverless workflows across multiple FaaS systems

This project provides a portable and scalable middleware service xAFCL Enactment Engine (xAFCL EE) that can simultaneouusly execute individual functions of a serverless workflow application (Function Choreographies - FCs) across multiple FaaS systems (AWS Lambda, IBM Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Functions, Alibaba Function Compute, and Microsoft Functions).

xAFCL EE is the core part of the overall AFCL Environment, a platform to develop, deploy, and fault tolerant execution of FCs developed in our Abstract Function Choreography Language (AFCL).

xAFCL EE integrates the component FTjFaaS for optional fault tolerant execution of FC functions (currently supported AWS Lambda and IBM Cloud Functions).


The initial version of the xAFCL EE was developed as a part of a bachelor thesis at the University of Innsbruck, Computer Science Department (among top three bachelor theses in 2019):

  • Bachelor thesis: Multi-provider enactment engine (EE) for serverless workflow applications
  • students: Jakob Nöckl, Markus Moosbrugger
  • supervisor: Sashko Ristov
  • Final presentation: June, 2019

File structure

  • externalJars contain pre-build jars used within the EE. Keep them upToDate if they work properly.

  • src/main

    • /java contains the source code of the EE.
    • /resources contains example yaml files to test the execution.
  • You will need to create a credentials.properties file in the root directory of the project, which contains the login credentials for the FaaS providers. This file will be ignored from git (.gitignore).

    The file should look as follows:

    aws_session_token=<your_aws_session_token> (e.g., for AWS Educate)



Simply run the main method in Local.java and pass the workflow yaml file as parameter, as well as the input JSON file.


gradle standalone


Run the main method in Service.java. The Service will wait on port 9000 for a .yaml file and return the result of the execution in json format.


gradle shadowJar       

Fault Tolerance

The xAFCL EE will automatically pass functions with fault tolerance and constraint settings to the fault tolerance module (FTjFaaS) for execution.


This section will show the features of the Fault Tolerance engine with some very simple examples. All examples are based on the following simple workflow (only the constraints field of a function needs to be changed within the CFCL file):

name: "exampleWorkflow"
- function:
    name: "hello"
    type: "helloType"
    - name: "resource"
      value: "python:https://eu-gb.functions.cloud.ibm.com/<link.to.function>/hello.json"
    - name: "<FT-Name>"
      value: "<FT-Value>"
    - name: "message"
      type: "string"
- name: "OutVal"
  type: "string"
  source: "hello/message"
  • FT-Retries and FT-AltStrat-requiredAvailability

First we specify the number of times a function should be retried (FT-Retries) before the alternative strategy is executed. Additionally we can specify the required availability (FT-AltStrat-requiredAvailability) as a double value. FT-Retries is mandatory, while FT-AltStrat-requiredAvailability is optional when using the fault tolerant execution.

- name: "FT-Retries"
  value: "2"
- name: "FT-AltStrat-requiredAvailability"
  value: "0.9"

The FT-AltStrat-requiredAvailability requires some additional steps to find the alternative plan which is understandable by xAFCL EE. For simplicity you can use the addAlternativePlansToYAML() method from AlternativePlanScheduler to find alternative plan(s).

In order for the AlternativePlanScheduler to work properly the following steps are required:

  1. A database with function invocations is required to retrieve old executions. Example: FTDatabase.db. The database should contain the function which will be executed in the Function table.
  2. (To generate random invocations to fill the database DataBaseFiller can be used)
  3. Now the addAlternativePlansToYAML("path/to/file.yaml", "path/to/newly/created/optimizedFile.yaml") can be used to generate the alternative strategy at runtime.
  4. The optimized file can now be executed by the xAFCL EE.

Possible output from addAlternativePlansToYAML():

    - name: "FT-AltPlan-0"
      value: "0.9879;https://jp-tok.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;https://eu-gb.functions.cloud.ibm.com/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;"
    - name: "FT-AltPlan-1"
      value: "0.9808;https://eu-de.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;https://us-south.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;"

The following example would invoke each function within an alternative plan 2 times:

    - name: "FT-Retries"
      value: "2"
    - name: "FT-AltPlan-0"
      value: "0.9879;https://jp-tok.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;https://eu-gb.functions.cloud.ibm.com/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;"
    - name: "FT-AltPlan-1"
      value: "0.9808;https://eu-de.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;https://us-south.functions.appdomain.cloud/api/v1/web/<link.to.function>/hello.json;"
  • C-latestStartingTime
- name: "C-latestStartingTime"
  value: "2011-10-02 18:48:05.123"

will throw an at.uibk.dps.exception.LatestStartingTimeException if the start time of the function is before the specified time.

  • C-latestFinishingTime
- name: "C-latestFinishingTime"
  value: "2011-10-02 18:48:05.123"

will throw an at.uibk.dps.exception.LatestFinishingTimeException if the function did not finish before the specified time.

  • C-maxRunningTime
- name: "C-maxRunningTime"
  value: "1240"

will stop waiting for a response of the cloud function after 1240 milliseconds. The xAFCL EE will throw an at.uibk.dps.exception.MaxRunningTimeException exception if the specified runtime is exceeded.


If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact sashko@dps.uibk.ac.at.