
serverless convert and send epubs to your kindle

Primary LanguageGo


serverless convert and send epubs to your kindle

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What is this ?

This is a sample service to upload, convert and send epubs books directly to your kindle

Its an example of how to convert and old project to the new serverless/sam paradigm.

How to deploy

I used serverless for defining infrastructure and deploy

First you need to build the layer for calibre

cd resources/calibre-layer
sls deploy

Then you create the bucket

cd resources/upload
sls deploy

Now upload compile and upload the lambdas but first edit your services/serverless.yml and set the parameters for your SMTP server correctly.

cd services
sls deploy

The final part, you need to upload the frontend, so take the created endpoint for the purl lambdas and edit resources/frontend/client/dist/index.html and replace the lambdaUrl

Then deploy the frontend to a static bucket with:

sls deploy client

Now you can use your browser to open the deployed endpoint and use the service