Test tasks


  • tasks must be documented as if it was a programming tasks (documented for programmers)
  • task must be implemented with Go and GIT
  • task MUST include commits for every logical block of work. It is expected to have frequent commits with meaningful messages, preferably multiple commits per-function.
  • as a solution submit your Git repo URL

String Specs

Given a string that is a sequence of numbers followed by dash followed by text, eg: 23-ab-48-caba-56-haha

  • The numbers can be assumed to be unsigned integers
  • The strings can be assumed to be ASCII sequences of arbitrary length larger than 0 (empty strings not allowed).

Task 1

  • Before implementing the needed function, please estimate the difficulty of the functions and report the estimated and the used time to implement the functions in the function comment block.
  • Write a function testValidity that takes the string as an input, and returns boolean flag true if the given string complies with the format, or false if the string does not comply
  • Write a function averageNumber that takes the string, and returns the average number from all the numbers
  • Write a function wholeStory that takes the string, and returns a text that is composed from all the text words separated by spaces, e.g. story called for the string 1-hello-2-world should return text: `"hello world"
  • Write a function storyStats that returns four things:
    • the shortest word
    • the longest word
    • the average word length
    • the list (or empty list) of all words from the story that have the length the same as the average length rounded up and down.

Task 2

  • Before implementing the needed function, please estimate the difficulty of the functions and report the estimated and the used time to implement the functions in the function comment block.
  • Write a generate function, that takes boolean flag and generates random correct strings if the parameter is true and random incorrect strings if the flag is false.
  • Write unit tests for the functions:
    • testValidity
    • averageNumber
    • wholeStory
    • storyStats