Michael McQuade
Oscar Tapia
Saptami Biswas
Josh Sheridan
Josh McMahan
When the splash screen appears the player presses the start button. when the button is pressed it triggers a segue to the GameController. There, the user will have to press on the lever in the bottom of the page. When the lever is clicked the score is randomly generated and the boxes that display the word you have to guess will appear along with the remaining guesses. The user then has to try and guess the word. If the player clicks on the empty boxes and they have guesses remaining, it will reveal the letter inside the box. However, they will also lose points every time they do this. If they want to try and solve the puzzle they can click on the text box bringing up the keyboard. If they want to lower the keyboard they have to hit return. If they type in an incorrect answer they will lose a turn and one of the lives will be marked out. If they guess the word correctly or they lose all 3 lives the solve button and text box disappear. When the game has ended the play again button appears. If they click the play again button it starts the game over with a new word and restores any guesses or lives they lost.