
A tiny server implementation that collects and aggregates logs generated by your application.

Primary LanguageRuby


A tiny server implementation that collects and aggregates logs generated by your application.


  • Ruby 1.9.1 or higher
  • MongoDB 1.8.x or higher
  • Async web server (e.g. thin)


Set up and start server (rake test is optional)

 git clone git://github.com/giraffi/giraffi-applog.git giraffi-applog
 cd giraffi-applog/
 gem install bundler
 bundle install --path vendor/bundle
 mongod --nojournal --dbpath ~/mongodb-xxx-xxx_xx-2.0.0/your-dbpath
 rake test      
 bundle exec rackup -s thin -p 3000 config.ru

Post logs to the server

 curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"applog":{"message":"foo bar hoge","time":1317623935,"type":"app","level":"debug"}}' http://localhost:3000/applogs.json

Retrieve logs from the server

 curl -i -X GET -d 'message=bar&level=debug' http://localhost:3000/applogs.json

It may be better to post and retrieve logs with node-giraffi if your app is running on node.js.

Getting started with Heroku and MongoHQ

First, create your domain and repository on Heroku.

 cd giraffi-applog/
 heroku create
 Created http://meetings-are-toxic-77.heroku.com/ | git@heroku.com:meetings-are-toxic-77.git

And configure server.rb for connecting to your database running on MongoHQ.

 Mongoid.configure do |config|
   ## Please change params below according to your environment.
   ## The settings below are for MongoHQ

   host = 'staff.mongohq.com'    
   port = 10099
   db_name  = 'hq_database'
   username = 'hq_username'
   password = 'hq_password'

   config.master = Mongo::Connection.new(host, port).db(db_name)
   config.master.authenticate(username, password)

   config.persist_in_safe_mode = false  


azukiwasher, Github