Simple class to help setting the viewport in Starling Projects when you need to resize your project for different resolutions without losing the aspect ratio (Letterbox).
Usage: // #Example 1: Using predef resolution
var viewPort:ViewPort = new ViewPort(stage, ViewPort.IPHONE5_RETINA_LANDSCAPE);
var star:Starling = new Starling(Game, stage, viewPort);
star.stage.stageWidth = viewPort.starlingStageWidth;
star.stage.stageHeight = viewPort.starlingStageHeight;
// #Example 2: Using custom resolution
var viewPort:ViewPort = new ViewPort(stage, new Resolution(1280,720));
var star:Starling = new Starling(Game, stage, viewPort);
star.stage.stageWidth = viewPort.starlingStageWidth;
star.stage.stageHeight = viewPort.starlingStageHeight;
Rolf Ruiz