
An infrastructure for automating Moose using shell scripts

Primary LanguageShell

Auto Moose
(c) 2010-2011 Tudor Girba
Licensed under the MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

The goal of this package is to provide an automatic 
generation of dedicated Moose images starting from source files.


  builds/ 						- the folder where the built images will reside
  inFusion/						- the preferred location for the inFusion folder
								  containing java2mse.sh and java2mse.bat scripts
  verveinej.extractor.core/		- the preferred location for the VerveineJ folder
								  containing the verveinej.sh script
  res/							- Moose specific image and other resources
  scripts/						- Smalltalk scripts for specifying Moose behavior
  pharo/						- the preferred location for pharo VMs
  run*.*						- master scripts to create the Moose new image
								  on various platforms

How to install:
- Get the right VM for Pharo from: http://www.pharo-project.org/pharo-download
- Get a Java parser
	- VerveineJ from: http://ci.moosetechnology.org/job/verveinej/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/verveine.extractor.java/*zip*/verveine.extractor.java.zip
	- inFusion from: http://www.intooitus.com/infusion/download/inFusion.zip
- Check the variables and comments from run.sh
	- Ensure the path to the Pharo VM
	- Ensure the path to sources
	- Ensure the scripts to be run
- Execute run.sh (eventually with parameters)

For Windows:
- You will also need to have robocopy available from command line: