2D Feature Tracking Project

Task 1: The Data Buffer

As adding new images for infinity doesn't a memory friendly, so we build fixed size buffer with a ring iterator. In file "MidTermProject_Camera_Student.cpp"

// added a ring buffer with fixed size
if (dataBuffer.size()> dataBufferSize){
    // point back to the begin


Task 2 and 3: Keypoint Detection

I have implemented all the keypoint detector in the matching2D_sturdent.cpp as mention in the lecture Also for task 3 have implemented the keypoints removel which are located outside the rectangle bounding box.

  1. HARRIS Implementation

In file "matching2D.hpp"

// implement the harris detector algorithm
void detKeypointsHarris(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints, cv::Mat &img, bool bVis=false, bool NMS=false);

In file "MidTermProject_Camera_Student.cpp"

// call the harris detector allgorithm
else if (detectorType.compare("HARRIS")==0){
     detKeypointsHarris(keypoints, imgGray, false, false);

In file "matching2D_Student.cpp"

void detKeypointsHarris(vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints, cv::Mat &img, bool bVis, bool NMS)
    // compute detector parameters based on image size
    int blockSize = 4;       //  size of an average block for computing a derivative covariation matrix over each pixel neighborhood
    int apertureSize = 3;
    double maxOverlap = 0.0; // max. permissible overlap between two features in %
    // double minDistance = (1.0 - maxOverlap) * blockSize;
    //int maxCorners = img.rows * img.cols / max(1.0, minDistance); // max. num. of keypoints
    // double qualityLevel = 0.01; // minimal accepted quality of image corners
    double k = 0.04;
    int response_min = 100;

    // Apply corner detection
    double t = (double)cv::getTickCount();

    // Detect Harris corners and normalize output
    cv::Mat harmat;
    harmat = cv::Mat::zeros(img.size(), CV_32FC1);
    cv::cornerHarris(img, harmat, blockSize, apertureSize, k, cv::BORDER_DEFAULT);
    cv::normalize(harmat, harmat, 0, 255, cv::NORM_MINMAX, CV_32FC1, cv::Mat());

    for (int j = 0; j < harmat.rows; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < harmat.cols; i++)
            int response = (int)harmat.at<float>(j, i);
            if (response > response_min)
                cv::KeyPoint newKeypoint;
                newKeypoint.pt = cv::Point2f(i, j);
                newKeypoint.size = 2 * apertureSize;
                newKeypoint.response = response;
                // if non-maximum suppression (NMS) is required to perform in the neighbors
                if (NMS)

                    bool overlapped = false;
                    for (auto it = keypoints.begin(); it != keypoints.end(); ++it)
                        double overlap = cv::KeyPoint::overlap(newKeypoint, *it);
                        if (overlap > maxOverlap)
                            overlapped = true;
                            if (newKeypoint.response > (*it).response)
                                *it = newKeypoint; // replace the keypoint with a higher response one
                    // add the new keypoint which isn't consider to have overlap with the keypoints already stored in the list
                    if (!overlapped){keypoints.push_back(newKeypoint);}
                { keypoints.push_back(newKeypoint);}

    t = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - t) / cv::getTickFrequency();
    cout << "Harris detection with n=" << keypoints.size() << " keypoints in " << 1000 * t / 1.0 << " ms" << endl;

    // visualize results
    if (bVis)
        cv::Mat visImage = img.clone();
        cv::drawKeypoints(img, keypoints, visImage, cv::Scalar::all(-1), cv::DrawMatchesFlags::DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS);
        string windowName = "Harris Corner Detector Results";
        cv::namedWindow(windowName, 6);
        imshow(windowName, visImage);
  1. FAST In file
else if ((detectorType.compare("FAST") == 0) || (detectorType.compare("BRISK") == 0) || (detectorType.compare("ORB") == 0) || (detectorType.compare("AKAZE") == 0) || (detectorType.compare("SIFT") == 0))
detKeypointsModern(keypoints, imgGray, detectorType, false);

In file "matching2D_Student.cpp"

cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;

int threshold = 30;
bool NMS = true;

cv::FastFeatureDetector::DetectorType type = cv::FastFeatureDetector::TYPE_9_16;
detector = cv::FastFeatureDetector::create(threshold, bNMS, type);
  1. BRISK

In file "matching2D_Student.cpp"

cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;

int threshold = 30;
int octaves = 3;
float patterScale = 1.0f;

detector = cv::BRISK::create(threshold, octaves, patterScale);
  1. ORB

In file "matching2D_Student.cpp"

cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;

int nFeatures = 500;
int nLevels = 8;
int firstLevel = 0;
float scaleFactor = 1.2f;
int edgeThreshold = 31;
int WTA_K = 2;
int patchSize = 31;
int fastThreshold = 20;

cv::ORB::ScoreType scoreType = cv::ORB::HARRIS_SCORE;
detector = cv::ORB::create(nFeatures, scaleFactor, nLevels, edgeThreshold, firstLevel, WTA_K, scoreType, patchSize, fastThreshold);
  1. AKAZE

In file "matching2D_Student.cpp"

cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;

int descriptorSize = 0;
int descriptorChannels = 3;
float threshold = 0.001f;
int nOctaves = 4;
int nOctaveLayers = 4;

cv::AKAZE::DescriptorType descriptorType = cv::AKAZE::DESCRIPTOR_MLDB;
cv::KAZE::DiffusivityType diffusivity = cv::KAZE::DIFF_PM_G2;
detector = cv::AKAZE::create(descriptorType, descriptorSize, descriptorChannels, threshold, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, diffusivity);
  1. SIFT

In file "matching2D_Student.cpp"

cv::Ptr<cv::FeatureDetector> detector;

int nFeatures = 0;
int nOctaveLayers = 3;
double contrastThreshold = 0.04;
double edgeThreshold = 10.0;
double sigma = 1.6;

detector = cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create(nFeatures, nOctaveLayers, contrastThreshold, edgeThreshold, sigma);

Task 3: Keypoint Removal

In file MidTermProject_Camera_Student.cpp

vector<cv::KeyPoint> keypointstemp;
for (auto it = keypoints.begin(); it != keypoints.end(); ++it)
    if (vehicleRect.contains(it->pt))
  • The result after applying the ROI has less keypoints.

Task 4: Keypoint Descriptors

Implement descriptors BRIEF, ORB, FREAK, AKAZE and SIFT and make them selectable by setting a string accordingly.

I have implemented all the required keypoint descriptors. In file matching2D_Student.cpp

// Use one of several types of state-of-art descriptors to uniquely identify keypoints
void descKeypoints(vector<cv::KeyPoint> &keypoints, cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &descriptors, string descriptorType)
    // select appropriate descriptor
    cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorExtractor> extractor;
    if (descriptorType.compare("BRISK") == 0)

        int threshold = 30;        // FAST/AGAST detection threshold score.
        int octaves = 3;           // detection octaves (use 0 to do single scale)
        float patternScale = 1.0f; // apply this scale to the pattern used for sampling the neighbourhood of a keypoint.

        extractor = cv::BRISK::create(threshold, octaves, patternScale);
  	else if (descriptorType.compare("BRIEF") == 0)
        int bytes = 32;
        bool bOrientation = false;

        extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::BriefDescriptorExtractor::create(bytes, bOrientation);
    else if (descriptorType.compare("ORB") == 0)
        int nFeatures = 500;
        float scaleFactor = 1.2f;
        int nLevels = 8;
        int edgeThreshold = 31;
        int firstLevel = 0;
        int WTA_K = 2;
        cv::ORB::ScoreType scoreType = cv::ORB::HARRIS_SCORE;
        int patchSize = 31;
        int fastThreshold = 20;

        extractor = cv::ORB::create(nFeatures, scaleFactor, nLevels, edgeThreshold, firstLevel, WTA_K, scoreType, patchSize, fastThreshold);
    else if (descriptorType.compare("FREAK") == 0)
        bool orientationNormalized = true;
        bool scaleNormalized = true;
        float patternScale = 22.0f;
        int nOctaves = 4;
        const std::vector<int> selectedPairs = std::vector<int>();

        extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::FREAK::create(orientationNormalized, scaleNormalized, patternScale, nOctaves, selectedPairs);
    else if (descriptorType.compare("AKAZE") == 0)
        cv::AKAZE::DescriptorType descriptorType = cv::AKAZE::DESCRIPTOR_MLDB;
        int descriptorSize = 0;
        int descriptorChannels = 3;
        float threshold = 0.001f;
        int nOctaves = 4;
        int nOctaveLayers = 4;
        cv::KAZE::DiffusivityType diffusivity = cv::KAZE::DIFF_PM_G2;

        extractor = cv::AKAZE::create(descriptorType, descriptorSize, descriptorChannels, threshold, nOctaves, nOctaveLayers, diffusivity);
    else if (descriptorType.compare("SIFT") == 0)
        int nFeatures = 0;
        int nOctaveLayers = 3;
        double contrastThreshold = 0.04;
        double edgeThreshold = 10.0;
        double sigma = 1.6;

        extractor = cv::xfeatures2d::SIFT::create(nFeatures, nOctaveLayers, contrastThreshold, edgeThreshold, sigma);
    // perform feature description
    double t = (double)cv::getTickCount();
    extractor->compute(img, keypoints, descriptors);
    t = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - t) / cv::getTickFrequency();
    cout << descriptorType << " descriptor extraction in " << 1000 * t / 1.0 << " ms" << endl;

Task 5: Descriptor Matching

Implement FLANN matching as well as k-nearest neighbor selection. Both methods must be selectable using the respective strings in the main function.

I did the required FLANN and the KNN as shown. In file matching2D_Student.cpp

// Find best matches for keypoints in two camera images based on several matching methods
void matchDescriptors(std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &kPtsSource, std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> &kPtsRef, cv::Mat &descSource, cv::Mat &descRef,
                      std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches, std::string descriptorType, std::string matcherType, std::string selectorType)
    // configure matcher
    bool crossCheck = false;
    cv::Ptr<cv::DescriptorMatcher> matcher;
	double t;
    if (matcherType.compare("MAT_BF") == 0)
//         int normType = cv::NORM_HAMMING;
      	int normType = descriptorType.compare("DES_BINARY") == 0 ? cv::NORM_HAMMING : cv::NORM_L2;
        matcher = cv::BFMatcher::create(normType, crossCheck);
      cout << "MAT_BF match (" << descriptorType << ") with cross-check=" << crossCheck;
    else if (matcherType.compare("MAT_FLANN") == 0)
        if (descSource.type() != CV_32F)
            descSource.convertTo(descSource, CV_32F);
            descRef.convertTo(descRef, CV_32F);
        matcher =cv::DescriptorMatcher::create(cv::DescriptorMatcher::FLANNBASED);
        cout << "MAT_FLANN match";
        cerr << "#4 : Wrong matcherType - " << matcherType << endl;

    // perform matching task
    if (selectorType.compare("SEL_NN") == 0)
    { // nearest neighbor (best match)
        matcher->match(descSource, descRef, matches); // Finds the best match for each descriptor in desc1
    else if (selectorType.compare("SEL_KNN") == 0)
    { // k nearest neighbors (k=2)
vector<vector<cv::DMatch>> knnMatches;
        t = (double)cv::getTickCount();
        matcher->knnMatch(descSource, descRef, knnMatches, 2); // Finds the best match for each descriptor in desc1
        t = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - t) / cv::getTickFrequency();
        cout << " (KNN) with n=" << knnMatches.size() << " matches in " << 1000 * t / 1.0 << " ms" << endl;
        cerr << "\n#4 :  Wrong selectorType - " << selectorType << endl;

Task 6: Descriptor Distance Ratio

Use the K-Nearest-Neighbor matching to implement the descriptor distance ratio test, which looks at the ratio of best vs. second-best match to decide whether to keep an associated pair of keypoints.

In file matching2D_Student.cpp

else if (selectorType.compare("SEL_KNN") == 0)
    { // k nearest neighbors (k=2)
        int k = 2;
        vector<vector<cv::DMatch>> knnMatches;
        t = (double)cv::getTickCount();
        matcher->knnMatch(descSource, descRef, knnMatches, k);// Finds the best match for each descriptor in desc1
        t = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - t) / cv::getTickFrequency();
        cout << " (KNN) with n=" << knnMatches.size() << " matches in " << 1000 * t / 1.0 << " ms" << endl;

        // use descriptor distance ratio test to remove bad keypoint matches
        const double ratioThreshold = 0.8f;
        for (int i = 0; i < knnMatches.size(); i++)
            if (knnMatches[i][0].distance<ratioThreshold*knnMatches[i][1].distance)
        cout << "distance ratio test to remove: " << knnMatches.size() - matches.size() << "keypoints"<< endl;

Task 7: Performance Evaluation 1:

Count the number of keypoints on the preceding vehicle for all 10 images and take note of the distribution of their neighborhood size. Do this for all the detectors you have implemented.

To validate this part run the following commands on the terminal

./2D_feature_tracking ORB BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN

ROI KeyPoints:

image1 125 17 149 264 92 166 138
image2 118 14 152 282 102 157 132
image3 123 18 150 282 106 161 124
image4 120 21 155 277 113 155 137
image5 120 26 149 297 109 163 134
image6 113 43 149 279 125 164 140
image7 114 18 156 289 130 173 137
image8 123 31 150 272 129 175 148
image9 111 26 138 266 127 177 159
image10 112 34 143 254 128 179 137
AVG 117.9 24.8 149.1 276.2 116.1 167 138.6
Sum 1179 248 1491 2762 1161 1670 1386

Total KeyPoints:

image1 1370 115 1824 264 500 1351 1438
image2 1301 98 1832 282 500 1327 1371
image3 1361 113 1810 282 500 1311 1380
image4 1358 121 1817 277 500 1351 1335
image5 1333 160 1793 297 500 1360 1305
image6 1284 383 1796 279 500 1347 1369
image7 1322 85 1788 289 500 1363 1396
image8 1366 210 1695 272 500 1331 1382
image9 1389 171 1749 266 500 1358 1463
image10 1339 281 1770 254 128 1331 1422
AVG 1342.3 173.7 1787.4 276.2 462.8 1343 1386.1
Sum 13423 1737 17874 2762 4628 13430 13861

Image Distribution: (Link)

Task 8: Performance Evaluation 2

Count the number of matched keypoints for all 10 images using all possible combinations of detectors and descriptors. In the matching step, the BF approach is used with the descriptor distance ratio set to 0.8.

To validate this part run the following commands on the terminal

./2D_feature_tracking SHITOMASI BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/SHITOMASI_BRISK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking HARRIS BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/HARRIS_BRISK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking FAST BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/FAST_BRISK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking BRISK BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/BRISK_BRISK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking ORB BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/ORB_BRISK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking AKAZE BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/AKAZE_BRISK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SIFT BRISK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/SIFT_BRISK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SHITOMASI BRIEF MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/SHITOMASI_BRIEF-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking HARRIS BRIEF MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/HARRIS_BRIEF-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking FAST BRIEF MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/FAST_BRIEF-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking BRISK BRIEF MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/BRISK_BRIEF-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking ORB BRIEF MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/ORB_BRIEF-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking AKAZE BRIEF MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/AKAZE_BRIEF-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SIFT BRIEF MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/SIFT_BRIEF-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SHITOMASI ORB MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/SHITOMASI_ORB-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking HARRIS ORB MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/HARRIS_ORB-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking FAST ORB MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/FAST_ORB-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking BRISK ORB MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/BRISK_ORB-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking ORB ORB MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_NN > ../results/ORB_ORB-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking AKAZE ORB MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/AKAZE_ORB-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SHITOMASI FREAK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/SHITOMASI_FREAK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking HARRIS FREAK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/HARRIS_FREAK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking FAST FREAK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/FAST_FREAK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking BRISK FREAK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/BRISK_FREAK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking ORB FREAK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/ORB_FREAK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking AKAZE FREAK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/AKAZE_FREAK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SIFT FREAK MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/SIFT_FREAK-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking AKAZE AKAZE MAT_BF DES_BINARY SEL_KNN > ../results/AKAZE_AKAZE-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SHITOMASI SIFT MAT_BF DES_HOG SEL_KNN > ../results/SHITOMASI_SIFT-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking HARRIS SIFT MAT_BF DES_HOG SEL_KNN > ../results/HARRIS_SIFT-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking FAST SIFT MAT_BF DES_HOG SEL_KNN > ../results/FAST_SIFT-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking BRISK SIFT MAT_BF DES_HOG SEL_KNN > ../results/BRISK_SIFT-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking ORB SIFT MAT_BF DES_HOG SEL_KNN > ../results/ORB_SIFT-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking AKAZE SIFT MAT_BF DES_HOG SEL_KNN > ../results/AKAZE_SIFT-logs.log
./2D_feature_tracking SIFT SIFT MAT_BF DES_HOG SEL_KNN > ../results/SIFT_SIFT-logs.log

Average of keypionts matched counts:

SHITOMASI 106 92 107 none 106 77
HARRIS 89 89 89 none 89 42
FAST 134 104 134 none 134 88
BRISK 250 164 250 none 250 152
ORB 95 73 104 none 103 42
AKAZE 149 127 118 125 149 119
SIFT 124 80 none none 124 59

Task 9: Performance Evaluation 3

Log the time it takes for keypoint detection and descriptor extraction. The results must be entered into a spreadsheet and based on this data, the TOP3 detector / descriptor combinations must be recommended as the best choice for our purpose of detecting keypoints on vehicles.

keypoints detection time:

SHITOMASI 20.9 13.9 17.1 none 17.3 13.6
HARRIS 16.9 169.6 16.8 none 17.2 14.0266
FAST 10.4 1.056 0.99 none 1.034 1.01
BRISK 416.3 413.2 414.1 none 415.1 419.9
ORB 10.2 8.18 9.02 none 8.6 8.824
AKAZE 108.6 105.09 110.6 108.5 1094 107.6
SIFT 159.8 136.292 none none 164.1 162

DESCRIPTORS detection time:

SHITOMASI 2.7 18.9 1.06 none 1.31 45.7
HARRIS 2.19 21.9547 1.1 none 1.24 44.8
FAST 22.37 33.6 1.217 none 1.443 47.1
BRISK 3.3 68.85 5.49 none 1.3 47.4
ORB 1.6 78.7 5.56 none 7.2 46.2
AKAZE 2.3 33.6 3.7 92.8 1.5 45.8
SIFT 1.81 96.0904 none none 8.17 46.32

As per the above table we noticed that the fast algorithm has very low excution times. So, I can recommend FAST-ORB then FAST-BRIEF and lastly the FAST-BRISK as they compromise both times.