
Financial Tech Hackathon at Cornell Tech on 9-11 October 2015, New York

Primary LanguageHTML


Financial Tech Hackathon (https://fintechhackathon15.splashthat.com) at Cornell Tech on 9-11 October 2015, New York. This project won first place for "Next 10 million fintech mobile users" award. Heroku app url: http://stormy-dawn-1526.herokuapp.com


This project is currently configured for OSx/Unix.


  • Python 2.7
  • Postgres 9.4.4


  • Put all dependencies under requirements.txt
  • Perform installation dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Table for postgres:
CREATE TABLE LoginInfo(username VARCHAR(45) PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(45), password VARCHAR(45), role VARCHAR(20), CHECK(role='borrower' or role='lender')); 


  • python main.py
  • Open browser at http://localhost:5000

Development Note

  • Make new branch for every issue and merge to master
  • Validation Folder has login.py having display, validation and insertion functions
  • Deploy heroku using port, 1 dyno, and define web: python main.py ${PORT} in Procfile