At the moment it's a simple CLI to gather VM info from host machines in datacenter, but in the future will manage and administer multiple datacenters.
Download the godc binary:
mv godc-darwin-amd64 /usr/local/bin/godc
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/godc
Create config file that contains list of host, DNS, and DHCP:
cat << EOF > datacenter.yaml
- <libvirt-host-1-ip>:<tcp-listen-port>
- <libvirt-host-2-ip>:<tcp-listen-port>
- <libvirt-host-3-ip>:<tcp-listen-port>
dhcpServer: <dhcp-ip-address>
dnsServer: <dns-ip-address>
Install the configuration:
godc install -f ./datacenter.yaml
List out VMs (make sure all hosts are reachable):
godc get vm
TODO (giri): This should be automated
$ brew install pkg-config
$ brew install libvirt