
Sync markdown files with Confluence pages

Primary LanguagePython


Sync markdown files with Confluence pages.

This project was originally created to sync Docusaurus docs to Confluence as part of the CI pipelines.

Quick Start

Before using the project, you have to install the Python dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, you can run the script:

markon.py --api-url ${CONFLUENCE_API_URL} \
  --username ${CONFLUENCE_USERNAME} \
  --password ${CONFLUENCE_PASSWORD} \
  --space ${CONFLUENCE_SPACE} \
  --ancestor-id ${CONFLUENCE_ANCESTOR_ID} \

Or just simply run using docker:

docker run -v $(pwd):/docs \
  girikuncoro/markon:latest python markon.py ${DOCS_FILE_PATH}


usage: markon.py [-h] [--api-url API_URL] [--username USERNAME]
                 [--password PASSWORD] [--space SPACE]
                 [--ancestor-id ANCESTOR_ID]
                 [--attachment-static-path ATTACHMENT_STATIC_PATH]
                 [pages [pages ...]]

Markon - a tool for updating Atlassian Confluence pages from markdown

positional arguments:
  pages                 Markdown pages to sync into confluence pages

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --api-url API_URL     URL pointing to Confluence API
  --username USERNAME   Username for authentication to Confluence API
  --password PASSWORD   Password for authentication to Confluence API, can
                        also be API token
  --space SPACE         Confluence space where the markdown file should reside
  --ancestor-id ANCESTOR_ID
                        Confluence id of parent page to put the markdown file
  --attachment-static-path ATTACHMENT_STATIC_PATH
                        The path of static folder where images and assets of
                        attachments are stored

What to Write in your Markdown Files

This project needs the Markdown files to have metadata (or in Markdown convention called front-matter) at the top. In order for file to be processed by markon, you need to have the following metadata in your file:

  share: true

You can also include the space and ancestor id in the metadata, so that you don't have to give it via flags:

  share: true
  space: FOO
  ancestor_id: 1234

Tips on Running from your CI Pipelines

It's quite trivial to integrate markon into a CI/CD system, here's an example:

stage: docs:sync

  image: girikuncoro/markon:latest
  stage: docs:sync
    - |
      for file in $(find -type f -name '*.md'); do
        echo "> Sync $file";
        /app/markon.py $file || exit 1;