1. Networks-Vulnerbaility
  2. Hasncet(password creaking tools)
  3. Brutforce
  4. RAT (Remote Access Trojans)
  5. Resources
  6. Security
  7. Pysical Control, Administration Control, Logical Control
  8. Port-Scaninning
  9. Protocals (set of rules)
  10. TCP ports-65535
  11. UDP ports-65535
  12. github(HTTP-443)(lock file)
  13. unsafe(HTTPS-80)(without lock file) -> TCP Handshake
  14.                                           |-> TLS Handshake
  15. Block Chain Security
  16. Exploit
  17. SQL ingection
  18. Section Hijacking
  19. Phissing
  20. DNS Poisioning
  21. IP addresses
  22. Cloud
  23. Cripto Graphy
  24. ARP poisioning (Addresses Resoning Protocal)
  25. Spoofing
  26. Hasing
  27. Metasploit
  28. Back door
  29. Cross fight
  30. Haking ->Ganning unauthorised acesses
  31. Ethical Haking ->Ganning unauthorised acesses with writen Concen
  32. Web Application penetration testing
  33. Web Site
  34. Web Page
  35. Web Server (which Computer)
  36. Web Application (user intract) Opperchinity
    1. affence -red
    2. deffence (SOC-Security Operation Control)-blue
    3. purble -both affence & deffence types of hakers:
      1. white hat - Architecture (blue print of the website) - Attacker
      2. black hat - Unauthorised Haker
      3. gray hat - both white & black hat
      4. Script kiddies - use others code
      5. hacktivism - help for the socity
      6. state sponce haker - government sponcer hacker CIA Stands for: -> Confidentiality -> integrity - orginality

        SSL - Secure Socket Layer Encription - convertion of clear text to cyber text -> Availability like ATM

  37. Athentication ( verify the identity) -> verify is to something you Know about that -> Something is to know you have -> something you are -> more than one is two factor -> wotking all the three is multie factor -> UAC - User acess control
  38. Authorication (permition) or Access control
  39. Breach - the loss of control,compromise,unauthorized disclosure
  40. Event - Any observable Occurrence (any error occur)
  41. Bug - To deviate from others
  42. Exploit - a perticular attack
  43. Insident - affect the CIA
  44. intrusion - Compination of events
  45. Vulnerability - Weakness
  46. Threat - potential to damage
  47. risk - Vulnerability + Threat
  48. TOE - Target of Evoluation
  49. mySQL - 3303 port
  50. ip addresses - 11000000.10101000.00000001.00000001 -
  51. request time out na connection wrong
  52. Destination host unreachable na routing wrong
  53. cmd for basic command
  54. power shell for windows command
  55. the command is correct nothing is print
  56. nat used for to convert the public network to private network
  57. vpn - Encryption / Decryption
  58. RSA AES
  59. ------------vpn------------
  60. Client <------------> Server
  61. -----------vpn-------------
  62. Encryption - clear text -> Cipher text
  63. Decryption - Cipher text -> clear text
  64. Symmetric Encrp - Single Key
  65. Asymmetric Encrp - Public/Private Key
  66. what is 3 way hand shake:


  67. TLS hand shake: transerver security
  68. Get-FileHash used for finding hash (hash means the official vallue)
  69. all permatutation and compination is called Brut force
  70. Types of Environment:
    1. QA Environment -test build
    2. Staging Environment - Actual copy of production
    3. Production Environment - Live websites/web app
  71. Request --------> Server Response >HTTP Method Response Code >GET 1xx - Information >POST 2xx - ok >PUT 3xx - Redirection >OPTIONS 4xx - Client-side error >DELETE 5xx - Server-side error
  72. Client -------------------> Proxy ----------------> Server
  73. proxy means having middle person form the both side
  74. more than one proxy also having
  77. SSO (Single Sign-On)
  78. CISCO -- Secure web appliances
  79. Cloud Services models

    SaaS ==> Software as a Services PaaS ==> Plate form as a Services IaaS ==> Infrastructue as a Services

  80. testing,receving && retreving the data

----------------------------------------------------- 16/04/2024 ----------------------------------------------------

-> Reactive -- After the attack -> Proacrive -- Before the attack

  1. Types of Cloud security Models:
  2. public -- to access by all
  3. private -- to be a specific acesses
  4. hybrid -- evry organization have a website
  5. community -- one peritcular organization

Cloud services products:

AWS Microsoft Azure Google cloud

Cloud Security Challenges:

Data Breaches Data loss Compliance Concerns Insider Threats

Regulatory Complianse in cloud Security

GDPR -- General Data Production Regulation GRC -- Goverance Risk and Comblians HIPAA -- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act PCIDSS -- Payment Cerd Industry Data Security Standard ISQ 27001 -- ISMS ISMS -- Information Security Management Systems CMM -- Capability Maturity Model

Future Trenas in CLoud Security:

Zero trust Security Models:

  1. MAC -- Moduratory Acesses Control
  2. DAC -- Discreanary Acesses Control
  3. RBAC -- Role Base Acesses Control

AD -- Active Directory DC -- Domain Control

CISCO WAF Features :

Data Loss Prevention Native FTP Protection

WAF -- Web Application Firewall

How to you ditect the SQL injuction:

  1. single Quote
  2. Double Quote Prevent :
  3. paramentarized Quries

Man-In-The-Middle Attack:

Social Engineering Attack Vectors :

  1. Technical :

    1. Vishing
    2. Phishing and Trojan Email
    3. Spear Phishing
    4. Spam Email
    5. Interesting Software
    6. Popup Window
    7. Baiting
    8. whaling
  2. Hardware :

    1. old unused