LZX Castle series Mouser BOM. Compilled for one of each module.

LZX Castle Series — MOUSER BOM

There are two main files in this repository:

    • A single sheet list compiled for one of each module in the series, with the parts visually grouped by type.
    • A multi-sheet list, organized by module. One module per sheet and unchanged regarding the original references.

For the compiled list here is an explanation of the highlighted cells colour coding:

  • Red — indicates parts that have been discontinued. A corresponding substitute is highlighted on the same row.
  • Yellow — indicates parts that are in their end of life cycle. These will have to be replaced in the future.
  • Grey — components that are interchangeable for different visual results on the LZX Castle 101 Quad Gate.

DISCLAIMER: These lists were created based on the Castle Series BOM, downloaded from the official repositories on github, on the 5th of December 2019. I take no responsibilities for mistakes that may have been made on the creation of these compiled lists, or the original sources. By using this as a reference you take full responsibility on your actions and consent to its use as is.