
Changes your discord status to "Streaming" which isn't normally available.

Primary LanguagePython

✨ Features ✨

Changes your discord status to a custom *Streaming*, Playing, Watching or Listening to whatever you want.

📋 How to run 📋

Using the exe (easy option):
Go to the releases, download the latest versions executable and run it.

Source Code (trustworthy option)
Download Python 3.10 -> https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-3100/
Download the source code from the latest release, extract it and open terminal/cmd, use "cd" to get to the directory of the extracted files and run the following command in teminal/cmd "pip install -r requirements.txt"
Then run the command python main.py
Using a newer version of discord.py may result in the program not working, please uninstall other versions first!
The latest tested version or discord.py is 1.6.0, this will definitetly not work on anything later than version 2.0 with the discord.py updates preventing self bots and the discord API changes since.

📌 Disclaimer 📌

***Please note that this is against discords TOS and may result in a ban on your account.***