
Newmate is a site that helps roommates find compatible roommates. With 8 to 10,000 people moving to Denver each month, and with rent ever-increasing, Newmate solves the problem of transplants meeting transplants and transplants saving money. For this application, I taught myself React.js to build the front-end UI. I also built a separate API (hosted by Heroku) with Node.js and Express (and a PostgreSQL database). I loved the experience to learn a new framework, and I can't wait to use React for more projects.

Technologies Used
  • Front End:
    1. React.js
    2. Sass
    3. Firebase (for deployment)
    5. Balsamiq (for wireframes)
  • Back End:
    1. Node.js
    2. Express
    3. PostgreSQL
    4. Knex
    5. Heroku (for deployment)

Last Updated: December 8, 2016