
Public README for our proprietary solution to make arbitrary datasets (e.g. TomTom/HERE) routable with FOSS routing engines.

prop2osm converter for road & address data for TomTom & HERE

CLI tool to create OSM files from a variety of proprietary street network & address data sources, and specifically from TomTom and HERE data.

Converting your proprietary street data into the OSM data model has the following advantages:

  • FOSS routing engines work out-of-the-box with your custom street data (e.g. Valhalla, GraphHopper, OSRM and others)
  • FOSS geocoding engines work out-of-the-box, such as Pelias and Nominatim
  • the entire OSM software ecosystem can be used for data processing (osmium, osmosis, osm2pgsql etc.)
  • Storage-efficient protobuf (PBF) format to store the data which also allows for metadata tags

We provide more information in this article. In case of further interest or questions, please contact us on enquiry@gis-ops.com.

Disclaimer The converter has been designed to only work with street network and address data and is not suitable to produce OSM files for rendering or any other purpose.


Please contact us on enquiry@gis-ops.com in case of questions or interest.


Supported providers:

  • TomTom (including historical traffic data and the MNL datasets, i.e. logistics: width/height/hazmat etc.)
  • HERE (also including truck attributes), not including traffic & address data (yet)

Supported transporation profiles

Generally the software can be used to output data suitable for any transportation profile. Note however, that most proprietary street datasets are optimized for motorized vehicles.

prop2osm has special support for truck/hgv, where both TomTom & HERE offer extensively attributed datasets for truck restrictions, such as maxheight, maxweight, truck-specific speed limits etc.

Historical Traffic in Valhalla

We provide support to convert TomTom's historical traffic patterns to Valhalla's expected format.

Live Traffic in Valhalla

Additionally Valhalla can ingest dynamic live traffic (e.g. from TomTom).


The software was designed to provide least resistance to extensibility, both in terms of extending functionality for already implemented providers and/or implementing a new data provider, other than TomTom or HERE.

OSM tags supported

The following is a (not comprehensive) list of the general OSM tags we create/use for e.g. TomTom data:


The output OSM files have been validated against:

  • Valhalla
  • OSRM
  • Graphhopper
  • OpenRouteService
  • JOSM
  • QGIS
  • osmosis
  • osmium