
Local Moran's I Hot Spot Plot in R using localmoran() from library(spdep)

Primary LanguageHTML

Plotting results of Local Moran's I statistic generated by localmoran{spdep}

plot.local.moran, produces a cluster plot of Local Moran's I statistic generated by localmoran{spdep}.

Argument Description
x spatialpolygonsdataframe
variable.name double quote variable name, e.g. "houseValue"
local.moran localmoran object from spdep
weights spatial weights object from spdep
sig p value, default is sig = 0.05
plot.only.significant Plot only the statistically significant clusters, default is TRUE
legend.location A single keyword "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right" and "center".

Example code in an Rmd file

Example Plot

This code is modified from https://aledemogr.com/2017/10/16/global-and-local-measures-of-spatial-autocorrelation/