go get github.com/autom8ter/geodb
docker pull colemanword/geodb:latest
GeoDB is a persistant geospatial database built using Badger gRPC, and the Google Maps API
- Concurrent ACID transactions
- Real-Time Server-Client Object Geolocation Streaming
- Persistent Object Geolocation
- Geolocation Expiration
- Geolocation Boundary Scanning
- Targetted Geofencing- Track objects in relation to others using object "trackers"
- Google Maps Integration(see environmental variables) - Enhance Object Tracking Features
- Google Maps Response Caching (configurable)
- gRPC Protocol
- Prometheus Metrics (/metrics endpoint)
- Object Geolocation timeseries exposed with Prometheus metrics
- Configurable(12-factor)
- Basic Authentication
- Docker Image
- Sample Docker Compose File
- Kubernetes Manifests
- REST Translation Layer
- Horizontal Scaleability(Raft Protocol)
- Clients may query the database in three ways keys(unique ids), prefix-scanning, or regex
- Clients can open and execute logic on object geolocation streams that can be filtered by keys(unique ids), prefix-scanning, or regex
- Clients can manage object-centric, dynamic geofences(trackers) that can be used to track an objects location in relation to other registered objects
- Haversine formula is used to calculate whether objects are overlapping using object coordinates and their radius.
- If the server has a google maps api key present in its environmental variables, all geofencing(trackers) will be enhanced with html directions, estimated time of arrival, and more.
- Ride Sharing
- Food Delivery
- Asset Tracking
Please refer to a client SDK for examples and codes snippets
- GEODB_PORT (optional) default: :8080
- GEODB_PATH (optional) default: /tmp/geodb
- GEODB_GC_INTERVAL (optional) default: 5m
- GEODB_PASSWORD (optional)
- GEODB_GMAPS_KEY (optional)
version: '3.7'
image: colemanword/geodb:latest
- geodb.env
- "8080:8080"
- default:/tmp/geodb
- geodb
GEODB_PORT (optional) default: :8080
GEODB_PATH (optional) default: /tmp/geodb
GEODB_GC_INTERVAL (optional) default: 5m
GEODB_GMAPS_KEY (optional)
syntax = "proto3";
package api;
option go_package = "api";
import "github.com/mwitkow/go-proto-validators/validator.proto";
service GeoDB {
//Ping - input: empty, output: returns ok if server is healthy.
rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns(PingResponse){};
//Set - input: an object output: an object detail. Object details are enhanced when the google maps integration is active
rpc Set(SetRequest) returns(SetResponse){};
//Get - input: an array of object keys, output: returns an array of current object details
rpc Get(GetRequest) returns(GetResponse){};
//GetRegex - input: a regex string, output: returns an array of current object details with keys that match the regex pattern
rpc GetRegex(GetRegexRequest) returns(GetRegexResponse){};
//GetPrefix - input: a prefix string, output: returns an array of current object details with keys that have the given prefix
rpc GetPrefix(GetPrefixRequest) returns(GetPrefixResponse){};
//GetKeys - input: none, output: returns all keys in database
rpc GetKeys(GetKeysRequest) returns(GetKeysResponse){};
//GetRegexKeys - input: a regex string, output: returns all keys in database that match the regex pattern
rpc GetRegexKeys(GetRegexKeysRequest) returns(GetRegexKeysResponse){};
//GetPrefixKeys - input: a prefix string, output: returns an array of of keys that have the given prefix
rpc GetPrefixKeys(GetPrefixKeysRequest) returns(GetPrefixKeysResponse){};
//Delete - input: an array of object key strings to delete, output: none
rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns(DeleteResponse){};
//Stream - input: a clientID(optional) and an array of object keys(optional),
//output: a stream of object details for realtime, targetted object geolocation updates
rpc Stream(StreamRequest) returns(stream StreamResponse){};
//StreamRegex - input: a clientID(optional) a regex string,
//output: a stream of object details for realtime, targetted object geolocation updates that match the regex pattern
rpc StreamRegex(StreamRegexRequest) returns(stream StreamRegexResponse){};
//StreamPrefix - input: a clientID(optional) a prefix string,
//output: a stream of object details for realtime, targetted object geolocation updates that match the prefix pattern
rpc StreamPrefix(StreamPrefixRequest) returns(stream StreamPrefixResponse){};
//ScanBound - input: a geolocation boundary, output: returns an array of current object details that are within the boundary
rpc ScanBound(ScanBoundRequest) returns(ScanBoundResponse){};
//ScanRegexBound - input: a geolocation boundary, string-array of unique object ids(optional), output: returns an array of current object details that have keys that match the regex and are within the boundary and
rpc ScanRegexBound(ScanRegexBoundRequest) returns(ScanRegexBoundResponse){};
//ScanPrefexBound - input: a geolocation boundary, output: returns an array of current object details that have keys that match the prefix and are within the boundary and
rpc ScanPrefixBound(ScanPrefixBoundRequest) returns(ScanPrefixBoundResponse){};
//GetPoint can be used to get an addresses latitude/longitude - google maps integration is required.
rpc GetPoint(GetPointRequest) returns(GetPointResponse){};
//A Point is a simple X/Y or Lng/Lat 2d point. [X, Y] or [Lng, Lat]
message Point {
double lat =1; //latitude
double lon =2; //longitude
message Bound {
Point center =1;
double radius =2;
//An Object represents anything that has a unique identifier, and a geolocation.
message Object {
string key = 1 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}]; //a unique identifier
Point point =2 [(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}]; //geolocation lat/lon
int64 radius =3 [(validator.field) = {int_gt: 0}]; //radius of object in meters
ObjectTracking tracking =4; //ObjectTracking configures object-object geofencing, directions, eta, etc
map<string, string> metadata =5; //optional metadata associated with the object
bool get_address =6;
bool get_timezone =7;
int64 expires_unix =8; //a unix timestamp in the future when the database should clean up the object. empty if no expiration.
int64 updated_unix =9; //unix timestamp representing last update (optional)
//ObjectTracking configures object-object geofencing, directions, eta, etc
message ObjectTracking {
TravelMode travel_mode =1; //defaults to driving
repeated ObjectTracker trackers =2; //an array of foreigm object keys that represent other objects you want to track the distance, eta, directions, etc(see tracker)
//a foreign object to track against another object
message ObjectTracker {
string target_object_key =1 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}];
bool track_directions =2;
bool track_distance =3;
bool track_eta =4;
//Directions if using the google maps integration
message Directions {
string html_directions =1;
int64 eta =2;
int64 travel_dist =3;
//A human readable address that is generated from a lat,lon if using the google maps integration
message Address {
string state =1;
string address =2;
string country =3;
string zip =4;
string county =5;
string city =6;
//Tracker is data associated with the object tracking mechanism- it tracks one obects relation to another.
//An object can have many trackers representing a one-many relationship
message TrackerEvent {
Object object =1; //targe object
double distance =2; //distance to object
bool inside =3; //whether objects are overlapping
Directions direction =4; //directions from one object to another (base64 encoded)
int64 timestamp_unix =5;
//ObjectDetail is an enhanced view of an Object containing a human readable address and the objects latest tracking information
message ObjectDetail {
Object object =1;
Address address = 2;
string timezone =3;
repeated TrackerEvent tracker_events =4;
//TravelMode is used to generate directions based on the type of travel the object is utilizing. only necessary if using google maps
enum TravelMode {
Driving = 0;
Walking =1;
Bicycling =2;
Transit =3;
message StreamRequest {
string client_id =1;
repeated string keys =2;
message StreamResponse {
ObjectDetail object =1;
message StreamRegexRequest {
string client_id =1;
string regex =2 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}];
message StreamRegexResponse {
ObjectDetail object =1;
message StreamPrefixRequest {
string client_id =1;
string prefix =2 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}];
message StreamPrefixResponse {
ObjectDetail object =1;
message SetRequest {
Object object =1 [(validator.field) = {msg_exists : true}];
message SetResponse {
ObjectDetail object= 1;
message GetKeysRequest {}
message GetKeysResponse {
repeated string keys =1;
message GetPrefixKeysRequest {
string prefix =1 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}];
message GetPrefixKeysResponse {
repeated string keys =1;
message GetRegexKeysRequest {
string regex =1 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}];
message GetRegexKeysResponse {
repeated string keys =1;
message GetRequest {
repeated string keys =1;
message GetResponse {
map<string, ObjectDetail> objects= 1;
message GetRegexRequest {
string regex =1 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}];
message GetRegexResponse {
map<string, ObjectDetail> objects= 1;
message GetPrefixRequest {
string prefix =1 [(validator.field) = {regex: "^.{1,225}$"}];
message GetPrefixResponse {
map<string, ObjectDetail> objects= 1;
message DeleteRequest {
repeated string keys =1;
message DeleteResponse {}
message ScanBoundRequest {
Bound bound =1;
repeated string keys =2; //if zero keys present, ScanBound will scan the entire database
message ScanBoundResponse {
map<string, ObjectDetail> objects= 1;
message ScanPrefixBoundRequest {
Bound bound =1;
string prefix =2;
message ScanPrefixBoundResponse {
map<string, ObjectDetail> objects= 1;
message ScanRegexBoundRequest {
Bound bound =1;
string regex =2;
message ScanRegexBoundResponse {
map<string, ObjectDetail> objects= 1;
message GetPointRequest {
string address =1;
message GetPointResponse {
Point point =1;
message PingRequest {}
message PingResponse {
bool ok =1;