
Demo script, supporting code and scripts for Nov 2015 DataViz meetup

Primary LanguageCSS

DataViz Nov 2015

Scripts to construct docker containers and populate with up to date MODIS and VIIRS DNB data. Compose support for a full stand up of OGC Preview and GeoServer fronting PostGIS.

Slides can be found at http://gisjedi.github.io/dataviz-nov2015


Construct the GeoServer and Apache containers by running build:

docker-compose build


Create daemonized instance of the containers:

docker-compose up -d


Populate PostGIS with MODIS data and GeoServer with layer exposing table:

bash initial-modis.sh

Populate PostGIS with VIIRS data footprints and GeoServer with layer exposing GeoTIFFs:

bash initial-viirs-dnb.sh


Access your newly constructed containers on either http://localhost (Linux only) or identify the IP of your virtualized docker host (Mac / Windows):

docker-machine ip default

Access OGC preview at either http://localhost/ or http://yourip/