
Workflow for UAS orthomosaic reproducibility analysis

Primary LanguageR

Quality assessment of photogrammetric methods - A workflow for reproducible UAS orthomosaics

This repository contains additional material, data and scripts for the publication Ludwig et. al 2020: Quality assessment of photogrammetric methods - A workflow for reproducible UAS orthomosaics


Contains the necessary data and script in order to reproduce the UAS flight planning.

Contains the MAVLINK protocol which was used to control the UAS.

data / level0

Contains images of six consecutive flights taken with a drone of a small forest near Wolfskaute.

Contains polygons of the forest extend and some sample areas.

Contains the measured ground control points.

data / level1

Contains checkpoint errors of each flight processed with iterative tiepoint filtering.

Contains the unfiltered tiepoints of each flight.

Contains checkpoint errors of 5 identical computations of each flight with a reprojection error filter of 0.4.

Contains the RGB orthomosaic time series of a small sample area.

data / results

Contains the reproducibility of flight 4 using 25 computations.

Contains the reproducibility of the RGB orthomosaic time series using 5 computations.

Contains the comparison of the reproducibility of DSM and mesh based orthomosaics.