Oracle apex plugins for mapbox

  • install:
  • compile packages APEX_PLUGIN_PKG
  • run install sql scripts for apex (region_xxx and item_xxx)
  • then in shared components plugins upload js&css files (or on apache host folder)
  • on your desired page set mapboxRegion (don't forget to set mapbox region template..)
  • remove in plugins file url calls (etc.. http://playground/ws/ and http://playground/ws/

DOCS: mapBoxIncludeAPI:

  • "API key" : mapbox API key

mapboxRegion (Region plugin) -requires: mapBoxIncludeAPI

  • access in js console:
  • Attributes:
    • "Map name" : name of mapbox map
    • "Width" : map width (px, auto.. css value)
    • "Height" : map height (px, auto.. css value)
    • "initalView" : json object for inital position - {x:45.793533,y:16.004514,zoomLevel:9}
  • Events:
    • mapBoxMap change zoomLevel [mapBoxRegion] - after current zoom level chnage
    • mapBoxMap change bbox [mapBoxRegion] - after current bbox change
    • mapBoxMap maximize region [mapBoxRegion] - after region (map) maximize/ return to previous height/width
  • api method:
    • zoomTo - zoom to spec. postion on map (params: x,y,zoomlevel)
    • setBounds - zoom to spec. bounds (bbox, zoomLevel)
    • setGeoJSON - load geojson geometry and properties to mapBoxRegion (geoJson, zoomTo)
  • example =>

MapBoxZoomToAdapter (Dynamic action plugin)

MapBoxLoadGeometryAdapter (Dynamic action plugin)

  • requires: mapboxRegion, ORA2GEOJSON.pks, ORA2GEOJSON.pkb
  • Attributes:
    • "map region static ID" : static ID of the region
    • "apex item with GEOJSON value" : apex item which is stored geoJson value
    • "Geometry style JSON object:" : json config how geometry is visualized on map... example ( { "fill" : "#B10001", "fill-opacity" : 0.2, "stroke" : "#4c89e4", "stroke-opacity": 1, "stroke-width" : 2}) see mapbox docs for more info.
    • "Zoom to geometry" : when geometry is loaded in mapBoxRegion should user zoom to geometry
  • example =>


  • mapboxRegion:
    • supported maximize region - template option
    • event "mapBoxMap maximize region [mapBoxRegion]
    • new methods: setBounds, setGeoJSON