
mega.co.nz command line client

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This tool is most probably obsolete, and not currently maintained.


mega.co.nz command line client


Just use:

$ pip install megacl


$ sudo pip install megacl

pip will take care of dependency. Note that among all dependencies, megacl needs pycrypto, which is not a pure python module and doesn't provide binaries through pypi for legal matters.

Some people may find usefull to install pycrypto separatly especially if you don't have a C-compiling environnement installed.


$ mcl help
A command line tool for mega.co.nz

    find                 list files on mega
    get                  get one or more files
    geturl               get from a url
    help                 give help
    info                 get informations on a file or folder
    login                login to mega
    logout               logout from mega
    ls                   list files in a mega directory
    mkdir                create a new remote directory
    mv                   move an item into another directory
    put                  put one or more files
    quota                get account's quota
    reload               reload the filesystem
    rename               rename an item
    show                 list files on mega

Global options:
    --debug              Provide some debug informations
    --help               Get help on specific command
    --login=VALUE        The login to use when mode --no-config
    --no-config          Don't read/write config files
    --password=VALUE     The password to use when mode --no-config (not safe, prefer the login command)
    --profile=VALUE      Use a different profile than the default
    --reload             Force reload before the first action that need the filesystem


To use this tool, you first need to login:

$ mcl login --email=dave@example.com
Login : [dave@example.com]
login success

Once you're loggin, while your password is not stored anywhere, your masterkey and the current sid for the loggin session are stored in the configuration file ~/.megaclient/config. If this is a problem of any sort, please do not use this tool.

Show & Find

To show all the directory and files on the account, use the show or the find command:

$ mcl show
:ybRwIWgK 'Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY   'Documents'
:3DBFSa9S     'mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J   'Test'
:QKxQzDlD     'Image test.png'
:DDAgCv1a     'xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ       '163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb       '184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y       '303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb       '353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ 'Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS 'Rubbish Bin'

$ mcl find
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Documents'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'

You can also use filters:

$ mcl show -f ytho
:0TwEKCpb       '353-python.png'

$ mcl find -f ytho
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'

$ mcl show -f es
:iSpGZz4J   'Test'
:QKxQzDlD     'Image test.png'

$ mcl find -f es
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'

Both commands support the --long/-l paramater (which reminds the ls -l presentation):

$ mcl find -l -f es
durwx :iSpGZz4J         2013-02-01 15:45:01 '/Cloud Drive/Test'
--rw- :QKxQzDlD 3102405 2013-02-01 18:12:47 '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
durwx :DDAgCv1a         2013-04-11 15:37:01 '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
--rw- :TKhFSKhJ   32884 2006-09-27 09:51:44 '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
--rw- :gKJlhatb    6903 2006-11-15 07:14:22 '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
--rw- :CLRGYv5Y   28315 2007-08-15 12:10:02 '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
--rw- :0TwEKCpb   90835 2007-12-05 09:32:48 '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'

Both commands support the --short/-s paramater that provide an output more suited for scripts/pipes:

$ mcl find -s -f es
/Cloud Drive/Test
/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png
/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd
/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png
/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png
/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png
/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png

Get & Put

The first part of each result line is the file handle. When you need to specify a file or a directory, you can either use the full path or its handle (including the ":"):

$ mcl get :0TwEKCpb
Getting [353-python.png] (90835 bytes)
Transfert completed in 0.1 seconds (1107.85 KiB/s)

$ mcl get '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
Getting [353-python.png] (90835 bytes)
Transfert completed in 0.1 seconds (1217.35 KiB/s)

get is to download file, you can also upload using put:

$ mcl put ../docs/README.md :iSpGZz4J
Sending [README.md] (548655 bytes)
Transfert completed in 1.8 seconds (297.7 KiB/s)


To reload the file list, use reload:

$ mcl reload

$ mcl find
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Documents'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:4sMDajOQ '/Cloud Drive/Test/README.md'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'


You can also use unix-like ls command:

$ mcl ls '/Cloud Drive/Test'
Image test.png

The command ls support the --long/-l paramater (like ls -l):

$ mcl ls --help
Command: ls [OPTIONS] [VALUES]
list files in a mega directory

Command parameters:
    --long               use a long listing format
$ mcl ls -l '/Cloud Drive/Test'
--rw- :QKxQzDlD 3102405 2013-02-01 18:12:47 Image test.png
--rw- :4sMDajOQ    1850 2013-04-28 12:02:21 README.md
durwx :DDAgCv1a         2013-04-11 15:37:01 xkcd


You can create a new folder using mkdir command:

$ mcl find
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Documents'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:4sMDajOQ '/Cloud Drive/Test/README.md'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'

$ mcl mkdir Subdir '/Cloud Drive/Test'

$ mcl find --reload
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Documents'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:4sMDajOQ '/Cloud Drive/Test/README.md'
:bU7dxMP4 '/Cloud Drive/Test/Subdir'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'

Note the presence of the :bU7dxMP4 '/Cloud Drive/Test/Subdir' line.

You could specify either the parent dir full path or it's handle:

$ mcl mkdir Subdir :iSpGZz4J


You can move a file or a folder into another folder using the move/mv command:

$ mcl find
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Documents'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:4sMDajOQ '/Cloud Drive/Test/README.md'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'

$ mcl move '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png' '/Cloud Drive/Documents'

$ mcl find --reload
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Documents'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Documents/Image test.png'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:4sMDajOQ '/Cloud Drive/Test/README.md'
:bU7dxMP4 '/Cloud Drive/Test/Subdir'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'

$ # To move back the file using the handles
$ mcl move :QKxQzDlD :iSpGZz4J

You can also move several files or folders using this command:

$ mcl find
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Documents'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:4sMDajOQ '/Cloud Drive/Test/README.md'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'

$ mcl move :gKJlhatb :0TwEKCpb :CLRGYv5Y :RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Test'

$ mcl find --reload
:ybRwIWgK '/Cloud Drive'
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/184-matrix_transform.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/303-compiling.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/353-python.png'
:RTgRCjhY '/Cloud Drive/Test/Documents'
:3DBFSa9S '/Cloud Drive/Test/Documents/mydoc.txt'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:4sMDajOQ '/Cloud Drive/Test/README.md'
:bU7dxMP4 '/Cloud Drive/Test/Subdir'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'
:RIQXhqtZ '/Inbox'
:TK5UwKlS '/Rubbish Bin'


Use can watch your space usage using:

$ mcl quota
Current quota: [21.00/50.00]

This means you're using 21.00 GiB of your 50.00 GiB.

Stateless usage with no config file involved

Login informations and directory cache are stored on the filesystem. You can also use this tool stateless with the switch --no-config (or -X). You must then provide --login and --password commands on every calls. Note that providing password on the command line is considered a bad practice.

Commands look like:

$ mcl find -f es --no-config --login=dave@example.com --password=r_N71kL4ee:cG28p-N,aam4
:iSpGZz4J '/Cloud Drive/Test'
:QKxQzDlD '/Cloud Drive/Test/Image test.png'
:DDAgCv1a '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd'
:gKJlhatb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/184-matrix_transform.png'
:0TwEKCpb '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/353-python.png'
:CLRGYv5Y '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/303-compiling.png'
:TKhFSKhJ '/Cloud Drive/Test/xkcd/163-donald_knuth.png'

$ mcl ls -l '/Cloud Drive/Test' --no-config --login=dave@example.com --password=r_N71kL4ee:cG28p-N,aam4
--rw- :QKxQzDlD 3102405 2013-02-01 18:12:47 Image test.png
--rw- :4sMDajOQ    1850 2013-04-28 12:02:21 README.md
durwx :DDAgCv1a         2013-04-11 15:37:01 xkcd


Some commands are stored in configuration files / cache files in the default configuration directory.

If for some reason you need to use a different profile without logging out of the first profile, you can use the global parameter --profile (-P).

Let's suppose your logged in as usual as dave@example.com and your with Jonathan who want to download a file from his how account (jonathan@example.com) to show you. You can then simply use profiles:

$ # you are logged
$ mcl ls '/Cloud Drive'

$ # jonathan will login
$ mcl -P jonathan login --email=jonathan@example.com
Login : [jonathan@example.com]
login success

$ mcl -P jonathan ls '/Cloud Drive'

$ # Note you're still logged in as dave on default profile
$ mcl ls --reload '/Cloud Drive'

$ mcl -P jonathan get '/Cloud Drive/Sintel.2010.1080p.mkv' '/Cloud Drive/sintel_it.srt'
Getting [Sintel.2010.1080p.mkv] (1180090590 bytes)
Transfert completed in 57.0 seconds (20218.1 KiB/s)
Getting [sintel_it.srt] (1544 bytes)
Transfert completed in 0.8 seconds (1.88 KiB/s)

$ mcl -P jonathan logout

$ mcl -P jonathan ls '/Cloud Drive'
Error : You must login first

$ mcl ls --reload '/Cloud Drive'

Detailled help

On each command, you can get detailled help using --help:

$ mcl find --help
list files on mega

Command options:
    --filter=VALUE       filter the result using VALUE
    --long               use a long listing format
    --short              use short listing format (only the path)

Global options:
    --debug              Provide some debug informations
    --help               Get help on specific command
    --login=VALUE        The login to use when mode --no-config
    --no-config          Don't read/write config files
    --password=VALUE     The password to use when mode --no-config (not safe, prefer the login command)
    --profile=VALUE      Use a different profile than the default
    --reload             Force reload before the first action that need the filesystem

When you use this on option on command help you detail for all commands:

$ mcl help --help
A command line tool for mega.co.nz

    find                 list files on mega
    get                  get one or more files
    geturl               get from a url
    help                 give help
    info                 get informations on a file or folder
    login                login to mega
    logout               logout from mega
    ls                   list files in a mega directory
    mkdir                create a new remote directory
    mv                   move an item into another directory
    put                  put one or more files
    quota                get account's quota
    reload               reload the filesystem
    rename               rename an item
    show                 list files on mega

Global options:
    --debug              Provide some debug informations
    --help               Get help on specific command
    --login=VALUE        The login to use when mode --no-config
    --no-config          Don't read/write config files
    --password=VALUE     The password to use when mode --no-config (not safe, prefer the login command)
    --profile=VALUE      Use a different profile than the default
    --reload             Force reload before the first action that need the filesystem

find options:
    --filter=VALUE       filter the result using VALUE
    --long               use a long listing format
    --short              use short listing format (only the path)

info options:
    --attributes         show only attributes
    --handle             show only handle
    --name               show only name
    --path               show only path
    --size               show only size
    --time               show only time

login options:
    --email=VALUE        The login/email

ls options:
    --long               use a long listing format

show options:
    --filter=VALUE       filter the result using VALUE
    --long               use a long listing format
    --short              use short listing format (only the indent and the name)