
GIST Project to create a mobile radio player for Community Media Association

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a collaborative learning project organised by the GIST foundation's mobile development group ( http://thegisthub.net/groups/mobile-developer/ ). The aim is to produce a usable mobile radio player application for the Community Media Association, and along the way learn a little more about mobile development. Initially, we're trying to do everything in HTML5 and then use packaging tools like PhoneGap.

ios notes



Android notes

The android app was first generated with the command
droidgap gen cmaplayer, and it can be found in the phoneapp,android folder

Build/Run cycle

Start the android emulator with 
emulator @test1
(Where test1 is the name of a device you have configured using the "android" utility)

Apparently, ant clean compile install should then install your app in the running VM, but I could never get that to work.

Instead, I just ran the ant and then manually did "adb install -r ./bin/cmaplayer-debug.apk"

Hint: If you need to access a service on localhost from the android emulator, use instead of localhost. Works a treat.

Signing... Used

/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/keytool -genkey -v -keystore gist.keystore -alias gist -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000

To generate a self-signed key

Android app screenshots -

use ddms http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/ddms.html

Upgrading to a more recent / patched droidgap..

Build a sample test app, then copy the phonegap.n.n.n.jar and .js to the project, don't forget to modify the .js import in the index.html

--- Deployment to android market ---

Release Build Process:
ant release

ios build

git clone...
cd phoneapp/ios