
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


  • Implement OAuth2 security with different security roles
  • Implement Many-to-Many and One-to-Many relations with auditing fields


We will continue working on our zoo application, adding security to our zoos.


Using your java-zoos as a starting point (https://github.com/LambdaSchool/java-zoos.git), add OAuth2 security to the application.

NOTE: The SeedData.java file is NOT MEANT TO BE USED DIRECTLY. You will need to modify it to fit your application. It is only provided as an example!!!

  • ROLE ADMIN should be allowed to access /admin /animals /zoos

  • ROLE ZOODATA should be allowed to access /zoos

  • ROLE ANIMALDATA should be allowed to access /animals

  • ROLE MGR (manager) should be allowed access /actuator /animals /zoos.

  • As a stretch goal

    • give /ADMIN access to /users
      • add end point /users/add to add a new user
      • add end point /users/delete/{id} to delete a user based off of id
      • add end point /users/viewall to show all the users
      • add end point /users/view/{id} to show a user based off of if