- Implement OAuth2 security with different security roles
- Implement Many-to-Many and One-to-Many relations with auditing fields
We will continue working on our zoo application, adding security to our zoos.
Using your java-zoos as a starting point (https://github.com/LambdaSchool/java-zoos.git), add OAuth2 security to the application.
NOTE: The SeedData.java file is NOT MEANT TO BE USED DIRECTLY. You will need to modify it to fit your application. It is only provided as an example!!!
ROLE ADMIN should be allowed to access /admin /animals /zoos
ROLE ZOODATA should be allowed to access /zoos
ROLE ANIMALDATA should be allowed to access /animals
ROLE MGR (manager) should be allowed access /actuator /animals /zoos.
As a stretch goal
- give /ADMIN access to /users
- add end point /users/add to add a new user
- add end point /users/delete/{id} to delete a user based off of id
- add end point /users/viewall to show all the users
- add end point /users/view/{id} to show a user based off of if
- give /ADMIN access to /users