A GUI application for library management system written in java using netbeans ide.
Library Management System
The objective of this project is to learn Swing and jdbc.
The Library Management system provides following functionalities:
Add a book
Search a Book based on Book Title
Search Books based on Category
Search Books based on Author
List All Books along with author information
Issue Book to Student
List Books issued to Student based on USN number
List books which are to be returned for current date
A user can add book by providing the following information, title, ISBN (Book Number), category and Author information (Author Name and Phone Number).
Book search can be based on book title, or category or Author, when a book is found, entire information has to be printed on the screen. Partial searches to be supported (for example, if user searches by ‘ja’, ‘Java Complete Reference’, ‘Head First Java’ books) should be displayed.
A user can list all books present in the library and also the books issued to the students using their USN number.
A book can be issued to a student by first selecting a book from list of books and then selecting the student from the list of partial or complete search result. Also the date of issue is saved while issuing and return date is calculated (i.e. 7 days from issue date).
Also if the book is not in library, the user should be informed about the unavailability of the book.