
TandooriJs - Reacting to Your Hunger, One Byte at a Time! Tandoori-Js is a food ordering platform made using the combined powers of Parcel bundler + React.js + Tailwind CSS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tandoori Js - Reacting to Your Hunger, One Byte at a Time! πŸ˜‹

I don't think someone would've added this many details to the Swiggy clone during #NamasteReact NamasteDev.com check it out!!😎 don't worry no AI post...

Building TandooriJs - Reacting to Your Hunger, One Byte at a Time! πŸ”₯

Tandoori-Js is a food ordering platform made using the combined powers of Parcel bundler + React.js + Tailwind CSS.

yup, Parcel is the Beast lol πŸ˜‚ have a look at this Akshay Saini πŸš€

currently working on the react-router-dom part of it...


🍭 Used the industry standard folder structure with relevant file and folder nomenclature to make the codebase modular and meaningful.

🍭 Followed standards for commits such as feat, docs, fix, etc throughout the process.

🍭 Config-driven UI which uses real-time data directly from Swiggy's public API

🍭 Parcel with its all beast powers such as Bebel, Image Optimization, Tree Shaking, Code Minification, Hot Module Replacement, and whatnot πŸ…±οΈ

🍭 Each component is made to increase reusability, while taking care of code readability and meaningfulness. just check out the GitHub Repository!!

🍭 Successfully implemented Multi-Image Carousel without using any external library. Most of the time I skipped npm packages to make it more challenging.

🍭 Fully functional Search functionality with Enter key press to search logic it just works smoothly and filters out the restaurants in a case-insensitive mannerπŸ”₯

🍭 Custom hook for fetching RestaurantMenu data from Swiggy's API

🍭 Cool animated hamburger menu with dynamic icon change feature i.e. shows icon and activates Tailwind CSS classes when the user is on the same route by using the isActive property of NavLink.

🍭 Efficient error handling by various methods such as TryCatch with different error messages to improve UX.

🍭 All UI elements are responsive as well as very user-interactive made possible Tailwind CSS.

🍭 Harnessed the powers of react-router-dom for smooth routing using Link and not traditional anchor tag to avoid default behaviors.

🍭 There are more others to explore and more I'll add soon. to make the most concise, that's it.

⭐⭐⭐ Try to give a star please if you following my repo or liked it πŸ™πŸ»

Also, I'm ready to help you if you've any doubts do ask I'll try my best 😊 and thanks to Arvind Pandit Prajapati for helping me for carousel logic

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#WebDevelopment #ReactJS #TailwindCSS #SwiggyClone #Namaste #AkshaySaini