
.NET Jwt authentication example

Primary LanguageC#

.NET JWT authentication example


This is an example project and contains many security bad practices. As such any sensitive information should not be reused "as is". In a real implementation any sensitive data (encryption key) would be stored in a secure repository.


A simple .NET 6 project which illustrates how to generate a JWT token which can subsequently be used against a protected API in the same project.

curl -X 'GET'
  -H 'accept: text/plain'
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer XXX'

Further documentation can be found in the Swagger when launching the project in VS.

Rate Limiting

The Polly package is used in this project as an example of how one could implement a rudimentary rate limiting to avoid brute force attacks. An HTTP code of 429 (too many requests) is returned if the predefined rate is exceeded (60 calls per minute).

One of the disadvantages of this type of protection is that a bad actor can easily block the service for all users. A more intelligent rate limiting mechanism would be to rate limit by IP, but even this would not protect against a more sophisticated bot attack.

The solution

The solution to this problem is of course a 2nd authentication factor.

Other bad practices

Token APIs

A simple API which accepts credentials and issues a security token is generally considered a bad practice. The use of a standard method such as OAuth with an appropriate flow is preferable. Indeed this project closely resembles the now deprecated Resource owner password flow in OAuth.


Note that a wildcard CORS policy has been defined in the project which is again a bad practice.