
File upload scenarios with asp.net core

Primary LanguageC#


File upload scenarios with ASP.NET Core.

Upload file using a byte [] embedded in a model

Using the byte [] embedded in a model will force the upload in JSON and the file is therefore obliged to be encoded as base64, thus increasing the request payload size by about 30%.


  • Pure JSON payloads (Content-Type: application/json)
  • Simpler C# model (depends only on base CLR types)


  • Larger payload due to base64 encoding obligation
  • Impractical with swagger
  • Have to add separate properties for metadata (filename, mimetype etc)

Upload file using IFormFile embedded in a model

Using the IFormFile avoid this but the payload has to be posted as a multipart/form-data. You could therefore argue that this is less RESTful but it's certainly faster and has the advantage of encapsulating the filename/mimetype in the object. It also plays nicely with the latest versions of swagger UI (Swashbuckle).


  • Smaller payloads
  • IFormFile object encapsulates useful properties: filename, mimetype etc
  • Plays nicely with swagger UI


  • Less RESTful (Content-Type: multipart/form-data)
  • Dependency on non base CLR type (IFormFile)

Security considerations

Two very good articles which talk about the security considerations when uploading files.